Kiratism 尼泊尔克拉底

Kiratism 尼泊尔克拉底

作者: 未来的白苏大人 | 来源:发表于2023-05-06 06:26 被阅读0次

Kiratism isa folk religion that is indigenous to the Kirati ethnic groups of Nepal. Kirat religion doesn’t believe in worshipping gods and goddesses but in worshipping trees and nature. They worship trees, hills, rivers, and mother nature as God. Mother nature is the one who feeds us, so it is not wrong to say that Mother Nature is God. That is the principle Kirati people follow.

They also worship their ancestors for all the work they have done and the contribution they made to protect their religion and custom.

Major festivals of Kirati are Sakela/ Sakewa and Ubhauli/ Udhauli. Both of these festivals are a gesture of thanking mother nature for all she gives to human beings. Kirat religion is a great religion, but now it is pretty fading. Only a few people are working to protect and preserve the religion.

Kirat or Kirati are indigenous ethnic groups of the Himalayas (mid-hills) extending eastward from Nepal into India, Burma and beyond. They migrated to their present locations via Assam, Burma, Tibet and Yunnan in ancient times. Prototype Tibeto-Burmans originated in the Yellow River basin around 10,000 years ago.


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      本文标题:Kiratism 尼泊尔克拉底
