如何转换头脑默认的负面思维 How to change the

如何转换头脑默认的负面思维 How to change the

作者: backtonature | 来源:发表于2017-10-30 09:07 被阅读25次


Om Parama PremaLea Longo - Songs of a Siren


Whenever we see an incident that is not what we expected or what we had in mind, we are quick to draw conclusions, especially negative conclusions and even worst-case scenarios.


For instance, if you bumped into your gf/bf who is having dinner with the opposite sex, whom did not inform you earlier. Your automatic response might be s/he is cheating on you. When in fact, s/he is just having dinner with a normal friend and s/he chooses not to tell you because you might misunderstand.


Or when your long-distance relationship partner cannot reply your texts earlier due to time differences and the fact that s/he might be busy, you may automatically assume that maybe s/he is having an affair and s/he doesn’t care about you. When in fact s/he just went to bed earlier than usual and did not check the phone.


Or if a person walked into the shop and the salesgirl did not seem to be too friendly or chatty. You might accuse the salesgirl for being rude and thinking she might think you don't have money. When in fact she might just had a terrible morning and argued with her boyfriend on the phone before this.


Or maybe you just went on a date with someone. You felt good but the other party did not contact you later. You probably automatically assume the other party is not interested. When in fact s/he may also be very shy to make the first move.


I can possibly list more than a thousand more similar incidences like the above that happen in our daily life...


Unlike our consciousness, our minds, if not well-trained, seem to have the natural tendency to feel scared, insecure, easily attached and our automatic responses are largely driven by fear...we are easily being caught up in the fight or flight mode, like animals when reacting to threats, that is the animal instinct. That is why our minds are quick to draw negative conclusions easily.


When we fall into the traps of our minds and negative thinking, the consequences of that may be quite detrimental to our well-beings, relationships and other aspects in life.


If you delve deeper upon this topic, you might realise that our interpretations of reality are largely based on by our perceptions. Whether you think the glass is half-full or half-empty, you are both right.


The right or wrong answers in our mind actually depend on what perceptions you choose to believe. So why not choose to view this world with the lense of 'the glass is half-full' perspective?

你要知道我们在地球上只有短暂的时间(当然我相信轮回,但在这里我们就谈这辈子吧 :)),而且在我们生活中的每时每刻都有可能是我们生命中最后一刻, 所以为什么不让每一时刻都变得精彩,变得愉悦呢? 为什么还要给自己制造更多没有必要的烦恼呢?

Given that we only have limited time on earth (although I believe in reincarnation, but let's just talk about this lifetime :)) and each and every moment of our life could potentially all be the last moment of our life, why not make each moment as joyous as possible? Why even bother creating even more miseries for yourself in life?


So here is how to live life through ‘the glass is half-full’ perspective.

1. 明白可能还有另一边你不知道的故事

1.Understand that there may be another side of the story


There is often always another side of the story in almost all the circumstances. If your loved one did not reply your texts earlier than usual, it could be s/he was busy in the middle of something. If your partner chooses not to disclose certain things to you, it could be she/he might worry that you might misunderstand.


Therefore, one should not draw conclusions too easily and too quickly according to one’s own perceptions and biases.

2.   在下结论前给对方解释的机会,耐心倾听

2.Offering a chance for explanation beforedrawing definite conclusions and listen patiently

这点对很多关系都非常重要。这就是为什么沟通尤其重要。  如果一方觉得另一方的行为不太正确,以其马上厉声指责,我们应该给对方一个解释的机会,并且试图明白为什么对方会这样做。

This is especially important in relationships. That is when communications become crucial. If one partner feels the other partner’s behaviours may be inappropriate, instead of accusing straight away, one should probably offering the other party a chance for explanation, try to understand why the other party might have behaved in this way.


And we should all listen patiently and listen with ears of tolerance and eyes of compassion.

3. 选择相信积极的一面-‘杯子总是一半满’

3.Choose to think positively –

‘glass is always half-full’


If explanations cannot be given, for instance, we may not even know the person. Then perhaps choose to think positively. After all, how does thinking negative serving us in any beneficially way instead of ruining our mood, wasting our energy and precious moments in life.


So instead of assuming the absent-minded salesgirl being rude, perhaps choose to think that she has had a horrible day and perhaps just argued with the boyfriend on the phone, hence explained her absent-mindedness at work.


Instead of assuming our partner is cheating on us, perhaps choose to think that s/he might be really busy with work or other matters thus s/he could not reply our texts promptly. Try to believe the others' explainations and believing that there are always other sides of the stories that we did not know.

4. 试图理解和培养同理心

4.Be understandable and be compassionate


We are all unique individuals with unique perspectives and ways of communications, sometimes deeply rooted in the culture we brought up and conditions we have been imposed on by society and others.


Some people may be very comfortable in straightforward confrontations whereas others may tend to withdraw from communicating outwardly in order to 'mitigate problems' (in their perspectives). Some people probably just cannot communicate verbally at all and prefer writing.

如果我们都能对每个人产生更多的同理心,理解并且接受每个人都是独特的, 试图不要强加自己的想法于他人并且太快的对他人的行为下结论。 如果我们都能换位思考-把自己放在别人的位置上考虑。我相信这个世界可能会少很多痛苦,而且我们都能活得更快乐和圆满。

If we could all cultivate more compassion towards our own beings, and understanding and accepting that each of us is unique, try not to impose our own views and drawing definite conclusions on others’ behaviours too quickly, and also try to put ourselves in other people’s shoes more often.I’m sure there will be less miseries in the world and we could all live a much happier and fulfilled life.


May our lives befilled with love,

understanding and compassion.


冥想:更深刻地理解 Meditation: a deeper understanding

原创灵性诗歌|给自己一首爱的诗歌 A love poem to Self

奥修智慧分享:接纳自己 Osho wisdom: Accept yourself

奥修智慧分享:爱不是执着 Osho's wisdom: Love and attachment are not one


奥修智慧分享: 总是保持快乐 Osho's wisdom : be joyous no matter what







      本文标题:如何转换头脑默认的负面思维 How to change the
