

作者: 诗意的七夕 | 来源:发表于2022-07-18 19:58 被阅读0次

I remember when I was still at school, watching a movie once a week was one of my routine habits, which I think is a kind of escape from the stressful real life. However, these days, I have just completed my study of master degree and is on a long vocation, and I happen to find that watching movies is not as enjoyable as before. Undeniably, watching movies can still makes me thinking about life, but sometimes I would find myself in a case that I was happy before watching the film, but became sad after watching it. I don't know why. Maybe it is because my life is happier than before. By the way, the film that makes me change my opinion towards watching movies is called Capharnaüm.

The film told a story edited by a real affair in the country the Syrian Arab Republic. A little boy called Zane was born in a family with over five children. I guess he was the eldest one. At first, his life seemed okay, but crazy things happened one after another just after his younger sister Saha was engaged to a grow up man in the neighborhood. 

We can see that the relationship between Zane and Saha is intimate, and Zane cared about his sister so much that he would teach her even about the menstrual things. Unfortunately, the family was so poor and his parents had to marry Saha to a men when she was only 11 years old. Zane did try to prevent the tragedy. He planed to take Saha away from home by bus secretly, but when he was ready, it was already late. After Saha was gone, he took on the bus himself and started a life on his own. It was not easy for a boy at 12 to make a living. After wandering on the street and in the amusement park for a while, he finally found a baby-sitter job in a single-mother's home. However, the single-mother was not safe herself. One day, she was caught by the police because of fake identification and did not show up ever since. Zane lost his employer and life became harder now. Although he treated the baby well, it was still so difficult for a boy to raise the baby on his own, so finally he made a trade to the guy in the market. He 'sold' the baby and planed to go abroad in the help of the guy, in a illegal way of course. The last step was to get his own ID card and show it to the custom. He secretly went home to get the ID card, only to find that he has no ID card from the beginning and his sister had already died because of sickness during pregnancy. She cannot be treated in time because she didn't have an ID card either, which caused her death. After hearing the bad news, Zane broke up totally and ran out with a knife on his hand. In the end, he was sent into prison because of an attempted murder and he accused his parents in prison of giving birth to him. Fortunately, he won the lawsuit and got an ID card.

At the beginning, I think the boy's parents were not that bad, they just lived in an environment like that and had no other choices. I think Zane was too rebellious and didn't cherish a heart of gratitude towards his parents. But after seeing that he gained his ID card in the effort of his own, I changed my opinion. I think what he did was great and it is even helpful to other children in the similar place as him. His story brings hope for the people there and may help changing some of the institutions there. However, still on the other hand, I think the experience and character of Zane is unique and special, which push him to do these sets of courageous but ridiculous things. As for me, his character is a little bit paranoid. I don't think it's a good thing to be so paranoid although sometimes it does make some difference in life.

Anyway, thank God that we don't have to live in such a terrible environment.


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