When the focus of this same light is finally shifted still nearer, not only toward you but actually ON you, it is yourself that is fully lit, and all the three regions, G, S and M, are in total darkness. You are thus fully conscious only of your SELF. This final focussing of the light (consciousness) on to your Self is the Goal. This is Self-illumination, or in other words God-realization.
Any action performed by one on the Mental planes, as observed by the gross-conscious or subtle-conscious atmas, is nothing but a gross or subtle manifestation of a mental action. The apparently gross action that you on the Gross plane see performed by one on the Mental plane, is merely the pattern of that mental function translated on the screen of your own gross consciousness. Hence, the one on the Mental plane, totally dissociated from the gross and subtle, does NOT speak, eat, or drink in the sense that those
on the Gross plane eat, drink and speak, though he appears to do so. When you see such a one eating, drinking, speaking, etc., it is nothing but your own gross interpretation of the reflection of his mental activity.
The Everything And The Nothing - p.99