assume 如何理解?

assume 如何理解?

作者: 每天用英语 | 来源:发表于2020-10-25 16:24 被阅读0次

    As the country prepares to revert to white man rule, our common condition for all but the 8 of the last 240 years,we should think harder about  why we assume so little of man,including ones we may be married to.Too many men don't prove these expectations wrong,and are rewarded anyway with prizes like the presidency.

    As:做连词 +句子

    1. 引导时间状语从句:当..的时候,同when ,while ..

    As a child(when he was a child),she was sent to six different schools.



    as 多表示从句与主句动作同时进行,意味“一边..一边...”

    she sang song as she did her homework.


    As time went by, we found he was an honest man.

    revert:vi   ---- revert to

    1. people or things revert to a previous state,system,or type of behaviour,they go back to it  (恢复先前的状态、制度和行为)-----本句 指国家恢复白人统治 

    2.2.revert to a privous topic (重回先前话题)

    3.if property ,rights ,or money revert to someone(归还)


    1.think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it 假定;假设;认为                                       it is reasonable to assume(that) the economy will continue to improve.                                                    认为经济将继续好转是有道理的。                                                                                                               Do not always assume the worst. 别总往最坏处想。                                                                                  I had assumed him to be a Belgian.我本以为他是比利时人。

    2.take or begin to have power or responsibiliy 承担(责任);就职;取得(权力)                              The court assumed reponsibility for the girl's welfare.

    3. have a particular quality or appearance 呈现(外观);显露(特征)                                              This matters has assumed considerable importance .                                                                                 In the story the god assumes the form of an eagle.                                                      

    4.pretend to have a particular feelling or quality 装出;假装                                                                        He assumed an air of concern. 


    1.v-link,系动词 +adj :if something proves to be true or to have a particular quality 证明是,结果是

    our reports proved to be true.                                                                                                                       in the past this process of transition has often proven difficult.                                                              The scheme has proved a great success. 该计划结果很成功。

    2.V-t:证明 ---prove that... ;prove sb wrong  

    3.V-T:if you prove yourself to have a certain good quality 显示(优点)                                                     Margie proved herself to be a good mother.


    Strong hopes and beliefs



    2.动词:if u do something and are rewarded with a particular benefit 回报


    1.名词:奖品;奖金                                                                                                                                  He was awarded the Nobel prize for Physics in 1985

    2.形容词:获奖的,应获奖的: a prize bull   一个获奖的公牛

    3.名词:u can refer to someone or something as a prize  ;有价值之人/物

    4.动词:is prized  青睐




          本文标题:assume 如何理解?
