vim php.ini
vim php.ini 将scandir()函数从PHP的配置文件中的禁用函数里面删除,重启php-fpm和nginx
disable_functions = scandir,passthru,exec,system,chroot,c...
1.Warning: scandir() has been disabled... 原因:php禁用了scandi...
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is ...
今天朋友突然问我一个问题,开始都给我整懵逼了。 我在Projecting Setting中找了半天也没有找到相关设...
报错信息pcntl_fork() has been disabled for security reasons i...
错误:No application encryption key has been specified.解决:ph...
“This lecense CNEKJPQZEX” has been cancelled”的问题, 解决办法: W...
*It has been indifferent n obnoxious It has been offish a...
The time that has been forgotten has been erased by the p...
本文标题:解决scandir() has been disabled