05 Favorite Seasons

05 Favorite Seasons

作者: 将军肚 | 来源:发表于2019-07-18 22:11 被阅读0次
    • I really hate this cold winter weather.

    • Really? I don't mind it.

    • It's not so bad.

    • First, it's really cold.

    • Second, I don't like the short days and long nights.

    • It's always dark.

    • Sure, but it will be over soon.

    • Spring is coming, and warmer weather.

    • Yes, and longer days.

    • What about summers?

    • Do you like hot weather?

    • I don't summer weather either.

    • Is it too hot for you?

    • Yes it's too hot.

    • Every is hot and humid.

    • So I always feel tired and thirsty.

    • Yeah, me too.

    • I take a shower twice a day.
      (表示频率:once一次,twice两次,three times三次,三之后都是规律的表达方式)

    • So which is worse, summer or winter? (bad - worse , good - better)

    • Good question.

    • I guess I prefer winter.

    • What about you?

    • Well, I prefer winter too.

    • I don't mind the long nights.

    • Of course the best seasons are spring and autumn.

    • Which of those do you prefer?

    • Within those two, I prefer autumn.

    • Way do you prefer autumn?

    • I live it when the leaves turn different colors.

    • I agree with you.

    • I guess autumn is my favorite season too.

    • I was surprised, Tom

    • I thought you world prefer spring.

    • Why is that?

    • Everything is young and new in spring, right?

    • Well, maybe I'll change my mind.



          本文标题:05 Favorite Seasons
