

作者: 湘港记者 | 来源:发表于2020-06-29 17:38 被阅读0次


C-a C-o     Rotate through the panes                                                                                                                                                                 
C-a C-z     Suspend the current client
C-a Space   Select next layout
C-a !       Break pane to a new window
C-a #       List all paste buffers
C-a $       Rename current session
C-a &       Kill current window
C-a '       Prompt for window index to select
C-a (       Switch to previous client
C-a )       Switch to next client
C-a ,       Rename current window
C-a .       Move the current window
C-a /       Describe key binding
C-a 0       Select window 0
C-a 1       Select window 1
C-a 2       Select window 2
C-a 3       Select window 3
C-a 4       Select window 4
C-a 5       Select window 5
C-a 6       Select window 6
C-a 7       Select window 7
C-a 8       Select window 8
C-a 9       Select window 9
C-a :       Prompt for a command
C-a ;       Move to the previously active pane
C-a =       Choose a paste buffer from a list
C-a ?       List key bindings
C-a D       Choose a client from a list
C-a E       Spread panes out evenly
C-a L       Switch to the last client
C-a M       Clear the marked pane
C-a [       Enter copy mode                                                                                                                                                                           
C-a ]       Paste the most recent paste buffer
C-a c       Create a new window
C-a d       Detach the current client
C-a f       Search for a pane
C-a i       Display window information
C-a m       Toggle the marked pane
C-a n       Select the next window
C-a o       Select the next pane
C-a p       Select the previous pane
C-a q       Display pane numbers
C-a s       Choose a session from a list
C-a t       Show a clock
C-a w       Choose a window from a list
C-a x       Kill the active pane
C-a z       Zoom the active pane
C-a {       Swap the active pane with the pane above
C-a }       Swap the active pane with the pane below
C-a ~       Show messages
C-a DC      Reset so the visible part of the window follows the cursor
C-a PPage   Enter copy mode and scroll up
C-a Up      Select the pane above the active pane
C-a Down    Select the pane below the active pane
C-a Left    Select the pane to the left of the active pane
C-a Right   Select the pane to the right of the active pane
C-a M-1     Set the even-horizontal layout
C-a M-2     Set the even-vertical layout
C-a M-3     Set the main-horizontal layout
C-a M-4     Set the main-vertical layout
C-a M-5     Select the tiled layout
C-a M-n     Select the next window with an alert
C-a M-o     Rotate through the panes in reverse
C-a M-p     Select the previous window with an alert
C-a M-Up    Resize the pane up by 5
C-a M-Down  Resize the pane down by 5
C-a M-Left  Resize the pane left by 5
C-a M-Right Resize the pane right by 5
C-a C-Up    Resize the pane up
C-a C-Down  Resize the pane down
C-a C-Left  Resize the pane left
C-a C-Right Resize the pane right
C-a S-Up    Move the visible part of the window up
C-a S-Down  Move the visible part of the window down
C-a S-Left  Move the visible part of the window left
C-a S-Right Move the visible part of the window right




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