

作者: 蓝天白云XM | 来源:发表于2024-08-30 16:06 被阅读0次

"Help !"cried Peter.

"I'm stuck in this net!"

Some birds flew over to Peter. They tried to help him.

"Don't give up!" called one bird. "Keep trying to get free!"

"Take off your jacket !"shouted another.

Peter stopped crying.

Quickly, Peter slipped out of his jacket.

Now he was free!

But the farmer was still chasing him.

Peter ran away fast.

"Get back here !"cried the farmer.

Peter dashed into a shed.

It was filled with garden tools.

Peter leaped into a watering can.

Splash! The can was filled with icy water.

"Brr!" said Peter.

The farmer rushed into the shed.

"Where is that rabbit ?"said the farmer.

Peter shivered.

He heard the farmer moving things around.

The man was looking for Peter.

"Where are you, rabbit ?"muttered the farmer.

The farmer's footsteps were close now.

"Uh- oh ,"whispered Peter.

He felt a tickle in his nose.

The tickle grew worse.

"Ah -choo!" Peter sneezed.

"Aha!" cried the farmer.


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