Robert waldinger Nov 2015 ted
lean in to work 对工作倾注心力
hindsiht is anything but 20/20 后见之明绝非完美
(20/20 hindsight看往事的视力是完美的,20/20是视力表的一行,引申意思是看得清楚
What makes a good life 什么是幸福生活live in tenemants 租房住
troubled and disadvantaged family 贫困家庭
bricklayers 泥瓦匠
schizophrenia 精神分裂
quality of your close relationships
People who fared the best were the people who leaned in to relationships with family,friends,cand community.
There isnt time,so brief is life, for bickerings,apologies,heartburnings calling to account.There is only time for loving.(马克吐温)
2/ 联想启发
最近刚巧在重温 positive psychology 1504,也就是所谓的哈佛幸福课。昨天看的那期的主题是love/ relationships,那就一起回顾总结下吧。
首先看下ted 中的老爷爷根据一项历时弥久的记录人生轨迹的调查,亲述了人际关系的重要性。哈佛大学研究项目: 从1938年开始,至今75年间,跟踪记录了724位男性,从少年到老年,年复一年地询问和记载他们的工作、生活和健康状况等,这个项目至今还在持续。演讲者Robert Waldinger是第四任项目负责人。到底如何才能幸福的生活?
了解了好处益处重要性,接下来我们看怎么办,现实生活中怎么操作改进呢。一起来看PP 1504,第20 集,如何使爱情天长地久。(很多内容也适合友情亲情)
a thriving personal ,interpersonal relationships is a shared feature of the happy and success.
no man is an need close, intimate relationships.我们需要深刻的亲密关系
1/the key: is to know your self.find out your optimum level of arousal.适合自己的才最重要
2/ there is a failure to sustain long term relationship.because the exotic is erotic.因为新奇的总是引人兴致的,出轨婚外情都可以解释得通了。人性使然不好不坏,但绝非必然结果。
3/ There is no perfect love.To expect this of yourself, your partner,your relationship is set yourself up for failure.完美恋情只在小说和电影里。完美主义害人害己,认真你就真的输了,放低期待,别挖坑,切莫心存妄念。
4/True love exists between imperfect humans.不完美的人间,自有真情在
Q: How we cam maintain thriving,passionate relationships?what can we learn from what work the best?
a/ working hard,a cultivating mind-set,by doing things together,set up an ultimate common goal,actively engaged,introduce love rituals.付出,浇灌,细心培育,没有什么是理所当然的,立一个终极目标,两个人共同努力奋斗,生活中引入爱情工事,点滴积累。
b/ making shift, from the desire to be validated to the desire to be known.A healthy relationship is about expressing ourselves. 心态转变,不是要求对方无条件的认可,而是要去敞开心扉开诚布公的表达,或许你有其他潜质从未被发现。
c/ allowing for conflicts;允许冲突,permission to be human,增强免疫力,认知冲突优于人身攻击,keep the disputes private,不会对泛泛之交做的事也不要对亲密的人做,love is in the details.
d/ positive perception 积极认知,appreciate one another/what works,positive illusions may become self-prophesy,be a merit finder.
What makes a good life 什么是幸福生活