
作者: Loyen | 来源:发表于2019-01-06 19:20 被阅读0次


1. 介绍


1.1 Nuttx文件系统介绍


  • 伪根文件系统
    可以通过将CONFIG_NFILE_DESCRIPTOS设置成非零值,来使能这个内存中的伪文件系统。它是一个内存文件系统,因为它不需要任何存储介质或块驱动程序的支持。文件系统内容是通过标准文件系统操作(open, close, read, write, etc.)实时生成的。在这个意义上,它是一个伪文件系统(Linux的/proc也称为伪文件系统)。

  • 文件系统挂载

  • 与Linux比较

2. 数据结构

2.1 struct inode


struct inode
  FAR struct inode *i_peer;     /* Link to same level inode */
  FAR struct inode *i_child;    /* Link to lower level inode */
  int16_t           i_crefs;    /* References to inode */
  uint16_t          i_flags;    /* Flags for inode */
  union inode_ops_u u;          /* Inode operations */
  mode_t            i_mode;     /* Access mode flags */
  FAR void         *i_private;  /* Per inode driver private data */
  char              i_name[1];  /* Name of inode (variable) */
  • i_peeri_child会将inode组织成树状结构;
  • i_flags用于表明文件类型,比如Character driver/Block driver/Mount point/Special OS type/Named semaphore/Message Queue/Shared memory region/Soft link
  • i_private在驱动中,通常用于存放私有数据;
  • union inode_ops_u u,存放对inode的操作函数集,而针对不同的inode类型,对应不同的操作函数;

2.2 union inode_ops_u

union inode_ops_u
  FAR const struct file_operations     *i_ops;    /* Driver operations for inode */
  FAR const struct block_operations    *i_bops;   /* Block driver operations */
  FAR const struct mountpt_operations  *i_mops;   /* Operations on a mountpoint */
  FAR struct nsem_inode_s              *i_nsem;   /* Named semaphore */
  FAR struct mqueue_inode_s            *i_mqueue; /* POSIX message queue */
  FAR char                             *i_link;   /* Full path to link target */

主要有三个操作函数集,此外由于VFS也维护了像Named semaphores/Message Queues/Shared memory等资源,但是这些资源又不像其他类型的文件有函数操作集,算是special case,也放在这个结构中。

  • struct file_operations,存放对驱动的操作,一般在实现驱动程序中,都会去实现对应的函数操作;
struct file_operations
  /* The device driver open method differs from the mountpoint open method */

  int     (*open)(FAR struct file *filep);

  /* The following methods must be identical in signature and position because
   * the struct file_operations and struct mountp_operations are treated like
   * unions.

  int     (*close)(FAR struct file *filep);
  ssize_t (*read)(FAR struct file *filep, FAR char *buffer, size_t buflen);
  ssize_t (*write)(FAR struct file *filep, FAR const char *buffer, size_t buflen);
  off_t   (*seek)(FAR struct file *filep, off_t offset, int whence);
  int     (*ioctl)(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg);

  /* The two structures need not be common after this point */

  int     (*poll)(FAR struct file *filep, struct pollfd *fds, bool setup);
  int     (*unlink)(FAR struct inode *inode);
  • struct block_operations,存放块设备的操作函数集,用于文件系统转换;
struct block_operations
  int     (*open)(FAR struct inode *inode);
  int     (*close)(FAR struct inode *inode);
  ssize_t (*read)(FAR struct inode *inode, FAR unsigned char *buffer,
            size_t start_sector, unsigned int nsectors);
  ssize_t (*write)(FAR struct inode *inode, FAR const unsigned char *buffer,
            size_t start_sector, unsigned int nsectors);
  int     (*geometry)(FAR struct inode *inode, FAR struct geometry *geometry);
  int     (*ioctl)(FAR struct inode *inode, int cmd, unsigned long arg);
  int     (*unlink)(FAR struct inode *inode);
  • struct mountpt_operations,由一个文件系统提供,用于描述挂载点;
struct inode;
struct fs_dirent_s;
struct stat;
struct statfs;
struct mountpt_operations
  /* The mountpoint open method differs from the driver open method
   * because it receives (1) the inode that contains the mountpoint
   * private data, (2) the relative path into the mountpoint, and (3)
   * information to manage privileges.

  int     (*open)(FAR struct file *filep, FAR const char *relpath,
            int oflags, mode_t mode);

  /* The following methods must be identical in signature and position
   * because the struct file_operations and struct mountp_operations are
   * treated like unions.

  int     (*close)(FAR struct file *filep);
  ssize_t (*read)(FAR struct file *filep, FAR char *buffer, size_t buflen);
  ssize_t (*write)(FAR struct file *filep, FAR const char *buffer,
            size_t buflen);
  off_t   (*seek)(FAR struct file *filep, off_t offset, int whence);
  int     (*ioctl)(FAR struct file *filep, int cmd, unsigned long arg);

  /* The two structures need not be common after this point. The following
   * are extended methods needed to deal with the unique needs of mounted
   * file systems.
   * Additional open-file-specific mountpoint operations:

  int     (*sync)(FAR struct file *filep);
  int     (*dup)(FAR const struct file *oldp, FAR struct file *newp);
  int     (*fstat)(FAR const struct file *filep, FAR struct stat *buf);

  /* Directory operations */

  int     (*opendir)(FAR struct inode *mountpt, FAR const char *relpath,
            FAR struct fs_dirent_s *dir);
  int     (*closedir)(FAR struct inode *mountpt,
            FAR struct fs_dirent_s *dir);
  int     (*readdir)(FAR struct inode *mountpt,
            FAR struct fs_dirent_s *dir);
  int     (*rewinddir)(FAR struct inode *mountpt,
            FAR struct fs_dirent_s *dir);

  /* General volume-related mountpoint operations: */

  int     (*bind)(FAR struct inode *blkdriver, FAR const void *data,
            FAR void **handle);
  int     (*unbind)(FAR void *handle, FAR struct inode **blkdriver,
            unsigned int flags);
  int     (*statfs)(FAR struct inode *mountpt, FAR struct statfs *buf);

  /* Operations on paths */

  int     (*unlink)(FAR struct inode *mountpt, FAR const char *relpath);
  int     (*mkdir)(FAR struct inode *mountpt, FAR const char *relpath,
            mode_t mode);
  int     (*rmdir)(FAR struct inode *mountpt, FAR const char *relpath);
  int     (*rename)(FAR struct inode *mountpt, FAR const char *oldrelpath,
            FAR const char *newrelpath);
  int     (*stat)(FAR struct inode *mountpt, FAR const char *relpath,
            FAR struct stat *buf);

  /* NOTE:  More operations will be needed here to support:  disk usage
   * stats file stat(), file attributes, file truncation, etc.

2.3 struct file

  • 一个打开的文件对应一个struct file结构,在该结构中包含了inode,用于描述文件的类型以及对应的函数操作集。
struct file
  int               f_oflags;   /* Open mode flags */
  off_t             f_pos;      /* File position */
  FAR struct inode *f_inode;    /* Driver or file system interface */
  void             *f_priv;     /* Per file driver private data */
  • 在每个进程中,struct tcb_s结构中都有一个struct filelist结构,用于维护打开的文件,当一个进程调用POSIX接口open来打开时,会得到文件描述符,文件描述符对应的就是这个文件数组的索引值。
struct filelist
  sem_t   fl_sem;               /* Manage access to the file list */
  struct file fl_files[CONFIG_NFILE_DESCRIPTORS];

3. 原理分析

3.1 框架分析


  • 用户层,通过系统调用调到VFS层的通用接口;
  • VFS层,相当于一个适配层,用于对接不同的实际文件系统;
  • 实际文件系统层,典型的情况下一个文件系统都需要绑定到块设备驱动程序上,而一些不太典型的情况是不需要块设备驱动,比如伪文件系统(BINFSPROCFS)和MTD文件系统(NXFFS)。在Nuttx中,需要块设备驱动的文件系统为:FATROMFSSMARTFS;而不需要块设备驱动的文件系统为:NXFFSBINFSPROCFSNFSTMPFS等;
  • MTD,Memory Technology Devices,向上提供MTD接口,向下对接不同的硬件设备;

3.2 mount流程


  • struct fsmap_t
struct fsmap_t
  FAR const char                      *fs_filesystemtype;
  FAR const struct mountpt_operations *fs_mops;

这个结构完成的就是文件系统名字和对应的操作函数集的映射,在mount()函数中会根据对应的文件系统名字去查找struct mountpt_operations

  • struct mountpt_operations
int     (*bind)(FAR struct inode *blkdriver, FAR const void *data, FAR void **handle);



int mount(FAR const char *source, FAR const char *target,
          FAR const char *filesystemtype, unsigned long mountflags,
          FAR const void *data)
#if defined(BDFS_SUPPORT) || defined(NONBDFS_SUPPORT)
  FAR struct inode *blkdrvr_inode = NULL;
  FAR struct inode *mountpt_inode;
  FAR const struct mountpt_operations *mops;
  struct inode_search_s desc;
  void *fshandle;
  int errcode;
  int ret;

  /* Verify required pointer arguments */

  DEBUGASSERT(target && filesystemtype);

  /* Find the specified filesystem.  Try the block driver file systems first */

  if (source && (mops = mount_findfs(g_bdfsmap, filesystemtype)) != NULL)
      /* Make sure that a block driver argument was provided */


      /* Find the block driver */

      ret = find_blockdriver(source, mountflags, &blkdrvr_inode);
      if (ret < 0)
          ferr("ERROR: Failed to find block driver %s\n", source);
          errcode = -ret;
          goto errout;
#endif /* BDFS_SUPPORT */
  if ((mops = mount_findfs(g_nonbdfsmap, filesystemtype)) != NULL)
#endif /* NONBDFS_SUPPORT */
      ferr("ERROR: Failed to find file system %s\n", filesystemtype);
      errcode = ENODEV;
      goto errout;


  /* Check if the inode already exists */

  SETUP_SEARCH(&desc, target, false);

  ret = inode_find(&desc);
  if (ret >= 0)
      /* Successfully found.  The reference count on the inode has been
       * incremented.

      mountpt_inode = desc.node;
      DEBUGASSERT(mountpt_inode != NULL);

      /* But is it a directory node (i.e., not a driver or other special
       * node)?

      if (INODE_IS_SPECIAL(mountpt_inode))
          ferr("ERROR: target %s exists and is a special node\n", target);
          errcode = -ENOTDIR;
          goto errout_with_semaphore;

  /* Insert a dummy node -- we need to hold the inode semaphore
   * to do this because we will have a momentarily bad structure.
   * NOTE that the new inode will be created with an initial reference
   * count of zero.

      ret = inode_reserve(target, &mountpt_inode);
      if (ret < 0)
          /* inode_reserve can fail for a couple of reasons, but the most likely
           * one is that the inode already exists. inode_reserve may return:
           *  -EINVAL - 'path' is invalid for this operation
           *  -EEXIST - An inode already exists at 'path'
           *  -ENOMEM - Failed to allocate in-memory resources for the operation

          ferr("ERROR: Failed to reserve inode for target %s\n", target);
          errcode = -ret;
          goto errout_with_semaphore;

  /* Bind the block driver to an instance of the file system.  The file
   * system returns a reference to some opaque, fs-dependent structure
   * that encapsulates this binding.

  if (!mops->bind)
      /* The filesystem does not support the bind operation ??? */

      ferr("ERROR: Filesystem does not support bind\n");
      errcode = EINVAL;
      goto errout_with_mountpt;

  /* Increment reference count for the reference we pass to the file system */

  if (blkdrvr_inode)

  /* On failure, the bind method returns -errorcode */

  ret = mops->bind(blkdrvr_inode, data, &fshandle);
  ret = mops->bind(NULL, data, &fshandle);
  if (ret != 0)
      /* The inode is unhappy with the blkdrvr for some reason.  Back out
       * the count for the reference we failed to pass and exit with an
       * error.

      ferr("ERROR: Bind method failed: %d\n", ret);
      if (blkdrvr_inode)
      errcode = -ret;
      goto errout_with_mountpt;

  /* We have it, now populate it with driver specific information. */


  mountpt_inode->u.i_mops  = mops;
  mountpt_inode->i_mode    = mode;
  mountpt_inode->i_private = fshandle;

  /* We can release our reference to the blkdrver_inode, if the filesystem
   * wants to retain the blockdriver inode (which it should), then it must
   * have called inode_addref().  There is one reference on mountpt_inode
   * that will persist until umount2() is called.


  1. 调用mount_findfs()函数,根据传入的参数filesystemtype来找到对应的文件系统操作函数集mops,如果是需要块设备支持的文件系统,则需要调用find_blockdriver()来查找传入参数source对应的块设备驱动;
  2. 根据传入参数target,来查找需要mount的路径对应的inode节点,如果没有的话需要调用inode_reserve()创建一个mountpt_inode
  3. 调用mops->bind()函数将文件系统与块设备驱动进行绑定,如果不需要块设备支持的文件系统,bind()函数可能不需要做特殊处理, 而在需要块设备支持的文件系统中,bind()函数最终会将该文件系统的整体状态都传出来,保存在fshandle中;
  4. 更新挂载点mountpt_inode的内容,包括操作函数集mops,以及将fshandle保存的文件系统的整体状态放置到mountpt_inode结构中的i_private字段中。当打开这个挂载点mountpt_inode时,便可以根据这个字段来取出对应的信息。


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