为。。提供资助 give financial support to
遇到财政困难 face financial difficulties
确保学生教育平等 ensure equal opportunities for all students
资金应该更明智的用于 money might be better spend on
把。。当做首要任务 give priority to ...
改善基础设施 improve infrastructure
对。。。征税 impose a tax on
是政府税收的重要来源 is an important source of government tax revenue
提高教育水平 raise educational standards
收入过高 are overpaid
得到更多的认可和更高的收入 should be better appreciated and better paid
价位更合理的商品 more affordable consumer goods
变得不知足 become easily dissatisfied with what they have
形成不良的消费习惯 develop unhealthy spending habits
深陷债务 find themselves deeply in debt
豪车 luxury cars
名牌服装 designer clothing
把财富等同于快乐 equate wealth with happiness
对家庭和工作的强烈责任感 a strong commitment to family and work
install red light /speed cameras
提高车辆税 raise the vehicle tax
减轻交通堵塞 reduce traffic jams/congestion
不计后果的司机 reckless drivers
缴纳高额罚金 pay heavy fines
从事社区服务 do community service
低排量的汽车 low-emission cars
混动车 hybrid cars
电车 electric cars
偏远地区 remote areas
铁路或公路不能到达的地方 areas inaccessible by road or rail
高效和好用的 efficient and effective
住宅建筑 residential buildings
具有历史意义的建筑 historic buildings
著名的标志建筑 famous landmarks
文化景点 cultural attractions
让一座城市具有特色 give character to a city
收到法律的保护 are protected by law
形成文化的重要一部分 form an important part of our cultural indentity
丰富当地文化 enrich the local culture
维修和保养 repairs and maintenance
让老建筑适应现代生活 adapt old buildings to modern needs
城市区域 urban areas
农村区域 rural areas
农村居民 rural residents
享受慢生活 enjoy the slower pace of life
提供多种多样的文化活动 provide a wide a variety of cultural activities
导致农村地区劳动短缺 cause labor shortage in rural areas
高房价 high housing prices
尾气 car fumes
呼吸系统疾病 respiratory diseases
收到压力和焦虑的困扰 suffer from stress and anxiety
感觉生活和大自然脱节 feel disconnected from nature
把城市划分成一些区域 divide cities into zones
实现土地高效利用 achieve efficient land use
让购物者可以方便的比较产品 make it more convenient for shoppers to compare goods, prices and services.
导致交通量上升 increase traffic volumes in some areas
面对更激烈的消费竞争 face tougher competition for customers
收取门票 charge admission fees
免费门票 offer free admission
不分国籍一律收取相同的票价 charge the same price regardless of nationality
提供一个友好的工作环境 provide a friendly working environment
陷入惯例中 fall into a routine at work
得到充分的回报 are well rewarded
选择真正自己感兴趣的事业发展 choose career paths that really interest them
被付给低薪酬 are paid lower weges
带薪休假 paid vacation
体力工作 manual jobs
减少心脏病风险 reduce the risk of heart disease
生活节奏快 have a fast-paces lifestyle
高脂肪食物 high-fat food
应在外包装上标明健康风险should display health warnings on their packaging
提高免疫力 boost/enhance the immune system
加剧全球变暖 contribute to global warming
含有滑雪添加剂 contain chemical additives
食品添加剂 food preservatives
提高力量,速度和耐力 increase strength, speed and endurance
增加手眼的协调能力 improve hand-eye coordination
体能 physical abilities
基于耐力的运动 endurance-based sports
积极的心态 a positive attitude
顽强的意志力 strong willpower
很强的团队精神 strong team spirit
网球场 tennis court
通过电视直播的体育赛事 televised sports events
来自广告收入 advertising revenue
涉及很高的风向 involve high risks
人口出生率低 low birth rates
增加纳税人负担 increase the burden on taxpayers
成年子女 adult children
年迈的父母 elderly parents
养老院 residential homes
不和子女住一起 live apart from their adult children
交房贷 pay their mortgage
分担家庭职责 share household tasks
节省照看孩子的费用 save on childcare costs
对育儿又不用的见解 have different ideas about child rearing
引起家庭纠纷 cause family conflict