4.29main idea

4.29main idea

作者: 野生的萱 | 来源:发表于2017-04-29 09:58 被阅读0次

In this article the author compare American and China from past to now and use allegory show his believing in China though slow will trounce his rival. In recent conference China doesn't rig up in low profile as it used to be but acclaim his willing to lead the world trend and guid in more organized and prosperous way.As such,it doesn't mean China is ambition nor usurper,just step up his power within the system.Overview whole,from successful territory dealing to setting pace in economic domain ,China has self-assurance to say he could find his way in the world.Turn to America,the old days uncle Sam seems all fat no muscle ,moving his paw away from others.Past days bully, nowadays avoider.



      本文标题:4.29main idea
