Korean life 6

Korean life 6

作者: CarolynLiang | 来源:发表于2016-12-13 11:23 被阅读0次

Korean life 6



  • Korean life 6


  • Korean life 5

    最近听到的最感人的话:I want to draw my father handsome, so that you...

  • Korean life 8

    来韩已四个月。 尝到了夏天,秋天和冬天的味道。 像是来了很久了,又像是刚到。 刚到韩国的那些日子有时那么清晰,有时...

  • Korean life 7

    It is the kind of feeling that wine gives me not the tast...

  • Korean life 1

    First recording of my new life after arriving in Korea.

  • Korean life 2

    I hate people abandoning the old for the new.

  • Korean life 3

    It feels so great to hear the students say "I like you ve...

  • Korean life 4

    你看不见时间,它却见证着你的一切。 转眼,来韩已三个月。身处异国他乡,必定会被问是否想家。嘴里说着还好,却会被身边...

  • 25: The three ways

    The Three Ways 06/21/2017 It took me 6 hours watch Korean...

  • 2018-02-01

    流行(pop) 韩流(korean pop) 韩剧(korean drama) 话剧(drama) 电视(TV)剧...


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