10 Ways to Be a Greener Traveler, Even if You Love to Fly

You want to be green. You recycle. You turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth. But you’re not going to forgo a flight to a tropical paradise and top-notch accommodations, even though planes emit greenhouse gases and routine hotel practices, like washing the linens each day, hurt the environment. After all, you love to travel — and well.
There’s still hope. To help you sleep easier on those high-thread-count sheets, here are 10 small ways to travel a little more responsibly, even when taking that trip to Hawaii.
1. Offset Your Flight
Flying (especially on short flights) is among the least sustainable ways to travel, according to groups such as the Environmental Defense Fund. Some airlines allow you to try to compensate for the carbon footprint you create when flying, however, by buying what are known as carbon offsets, or various ways to reduce greenhouse gases. Passengers on airlines like Delta and United can calculate their carbon footprint on the airline websites, which equate the size of a trip’s carbon footprint with a dollar figure. They can then donate their money or miles to a carbon reduction project such as forest conservation or renewable energy. Airlines are not the only ones offering offsets, though. Amtrak, for instance, has a rail calculator and allows you to offset your train trip through Carbonfund.org.
Some environmental organizations have said that offset programs are problematic. And a number of them have suggested that the carbon calculators on airline sites are not precise enough because they do not take into consideration factors like whether you’re flying first class (which results in a larger carbon footprint because you’re taking up space that could otherwise have been used to transport more people). Still, contributing to such programs is better than flying and doing nothing. For a more precise calculator, check out carbonfootprint.com.
2. Tour Cities on Foot
If you can’t walk, bike. If you can’t bike, take a subway, bus or train. If you rent a car, request a hybrid. If you hire a driver, try to car pool. Services such as Lyft and Uber offer car-pooling, though the notion that they are environmentally friendly is being studied; researchers at NRDC Urban Solutions and the Transportation Sustainability Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, are analyzing whether such services are good for the environment or if they are merely congesting roads, competing with public transportation and encouraging people to be driven instead of walking. Bottom line: If you have the option, walk.
3. Have a Green Hotel Stay
The greenest vacation is one in which you don’t travel far, impossible for those who wish to see the world. Airbnb has argued that home sharing is a greener option than hotels, though its study published in 2014 — which said that using Airbnb results in a significant reduction in energy and water use, greenhouse gas emissions and waste, and relied mainly on guest and host survey responses from February to April of that year — was not scientific. But if home sharing isn’t for you, you can still make any hotel stay greener by reusing your sheets and towels (many hotels give guests the option to not change their linens each day), taking short showers, turning off the air-conditioner (or using a fan instead), turning down the thermostat and using less electricity by forgoing the hair dryer and switching off the lights when you’re not in the room. You can also choose to stay in hotels that have sustainable practices like harvesting rainwater and not heating or air-conditioning rooms or spaces that are unoccupied. To find them, check out a site like the Green Hotels Association. Expedia.com also has some tips for green travel. Not sure your desired hotel is green? The Nature Conservancy has 10 questions you can ask to find out.
4. Take a Reusable Water Bottle
Millions of barrels of oil are needed to produce the plastic water bottles consumed by Americans alone, according to the Pacific Institute, a sustainable water think tank. In 2007 the group said that the amount of oil used in the production of plastic water bottles was enough energy to fuel more than a million cars and light trucks for a year. You can do your part to curb emissions by always traveling with a reusable bottle. And coffee and tea drinkers can help when it comes to saving paper by carrying reusable travel mugs instead of to-go cups.
5. Pack Light
The heavier your luggage, the more fuel is needed. Even something as small as a cellphone multiplied across the number of passengers affects the weight of a plane. Besides, it’s easier and more fun to travel when you’re not loaded down with bags.
6. Opt for E-Tickets Instead of Paper
By now we know not to print documents when we don’t have to, and recycle whatever paper we do use. Paper production and pulpwood harvesting contribute to climate change and “threaten some of the last remaining natural forests and the people and wildlife that depend on them,” according to the WWF. E-tickets, meanwhile, have come a long way from their wonky early days. Having your smartphone scanned at airports and train stations is often seamless.
7. Go Local
Eat locally sourced food and buy locally made souvenirs — and carry them back to your hotel in a reusable bag instead of plastic. In addition to supporting local economies, shopping locally generally means there’s less packaging. And items don’t need to be flown or shipped in, cutting down on waste and greenhouse gas emissions. As the Michigan State University Extension has pointed out, buying locally grown food can help maintain farmland and green space. To cut emissions even more significantly, reduce or eliminate red meat; its production is carbon-intensive.
8. Put Your Laptop to Sleep
Allow your computer and other devices to sleep when you’re not using them. It’s an energy saver that’s good for their battery life and for the earth, too.
9. Choose Tours That Don’t Harm the Environment
Many environmentally minded groups including the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club and the WWF offer eco-trips and outings that strive not to harm natural resources, wildlife or people. Backroads and REI Adventures also offer tours that aim to be environmentally low-impact.
10. Spread the Word
Pass your green travel habits on to others. You’ll multiply their effect — something you’ll need to do given all the trips you hope to take.
2. 步行游城
3. 入住绿色宾馆
4. 不要用一次性水壶
6. 使用电子票据而不是纸质票据
7. 消费本地化
8. 把你的笔记本电脑调到休眠模式
9. 选择不会破坏环境的旅行
很多环保旅行团体,例如大自然保育组织、塞拉俱乐部和世界野生动物组织都提供环保出行,旨在不妨害自然资源、野生动物或居民。Backroads和REI Adventrues也提供环保旅行。
10. 宣传环保意识