- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
- 万科V_learn父母学院_家庭双人工程打卡,seven301号
视频:清英0a unit11 Little squirrel.
牙牙第七单元 跳花墙
音频:That's Kangaroo have a mother too.
Game1:I can see.
M: Baby let's play a game.We can see everything that we can see.But we must say different things.
B:ok.I can see a car.
M:I can see the tree.
B:I can see a truck.
M:I can see the grass.
B:I can see a dad.(Pointing at a board.)
M:I can see the door.
B:I can see the moon.
M:I can see the motorbike.
B:I can see a mom.
M:I can see the building.
B:I can see a plane.
M:Good job seven, you win the game.You are so clever, very good.
Game 2:Go to the line.
M:Seven you want to touch the line ,yes?
M:But it's, I, if we have a rocket, we can zoom zoom zoom, to take a rocket to go to the line.
B:I'm the rocket.
M:Okay ready, five, four, three two one ,go!
M:Now i'm a commander I will give my command.Walk /run to the car/bus/truck.
M:Good job ,seven.
吃完晚饭他发现了一袋泡泡水,指着说Mummy Bubble bubble . 我想把泡泡打开
M:It's too late, now, I will Teach you another bubbles.
Then I bring, a bottle of water and a Straw.
Look seven, you can blow the water.
B:Wow I want to try.
然后一直吹着玩,高兴得嚷嚷 妈妈快看 我吹的大泡泡
M:No I can make bubbles with bubble gum.
B:Wow bubble
Mummy time:复习上一次课的笔记。打算吧,前十单元的游戏重新玩一遍。找到了对应的海尼曼的绘本。今天复习了泡泡的单元。明天打算做hello和Kangaroo的单元。