

作者: EagleStrike | 来源:发表于2019-10-16 20:37 被阅读0次





    package com.strike.json;
    import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
    import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;
    import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
    import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
    import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
    import java.util.Map;
     * @ClassName JsonMediate
     * @Description TODO JSON数据解析工具类
     * @Author EagleStrike
     * @Created 2019/10/14
    public class JsonMediate {
         * 工具类概要
         *  数据转换顺序:
         *      1) Map → info → JSON
         *      2) JSON → Map → info
         *      3) String → JSON → Map → info
         *  数据类型:
         *      Map     : 长键:数据 键值对 键名以"."/"[]"层级拼接展示对象/集合包含关系 ( contentMap )
         *      info    : 属性值 + 子节点 记录当前节点信息 可由Map转换 属性值以键值对存储 节点值类型同为JsonMediate级联 数组情况下键名为[n]方便检索 ( properties / children )
         *      JSON    : JSON数据实体 可由info生成
         *      String  : 仅构建时可使用 经fastjson直接转换生成JSON数据闭环
         *  构造方式:
         *      static getInstance(payload)     payload:可通过Map、JSON、JSONString构建 构建类型可为JSONObject/JSONArray
         *      构造逻辑默认完成info信息渲染
         *  数据渲染:
         *      flushContentMap : 更新Map跨级属性键值对缓存 ( * 需要具备JSON数据 即content字段已赋值/渲染 )
         *      flushContent    : 更新JSON数据实体 ( * 需要具备info层级数据信息 即properties、children已渲染 )
         *      renderInfo      : 更新info层级数据信息 ( * 需要具备Map跨技术性键值对缓存 )
         *  数据操作:
         *      put     : 通过Map跨级属性键值对跨级赋值
         *      putAll  : 同put 批量赋值
         *      getInteger  : 单值类数据获取 通过Map跨级属性键值对跨级获取Integer值
         *      getDouble   : 同上 获取Double值
         *      getFloat    : 同上 获取Float值
         *      getString   : 同上 获取String值
         *      getObject   : 同上 获取Object值 用于常用单一数据格式无法覆盖类型问题
         *      getJSONObject   : 通过info层级数据信息获取制定层级节点数据对象
         *      getJSONArray    : 通过info层级数据信息获取制定层级节点数据数组
        // 数据类型 实体
        private static final int TYPE_OBJECT = 0;
        // 数据类型 数组
        private static final int TYPE_ARRAY  = 1;
        /** ——————————————————————————————  构造逻辑  —————————————————————————————— */
         * @Title getInstanceByMap
         * @Description TODO 构造逻辑 跨级键值对构造
         * @Param: contentMap
         * @Return: com.strike.json.JsonMediate
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午2:17
        public static JsonMediate getInstanceByMap(Map<String, Object> contentMap) {
            JsonMediate mediate = new JsonMediate();
            return mediate;
         * @Title getInstance
         * @Description TODO 构造逻辑 JSON构造
         * @Param: content
         * @Return: com.strike.json.JsonMediate
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午2:18
        public static <T extends JSON> JsonMediate getInstance(T content) {
            JsonMediate mediate = new JsonMediate();
            return mediate;
         * @Title getInstance
         * @Description TODO 构造逻辑 String构造
         * @Param: contentString
         * @Return: com.strike.json.JsonMediate
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午2:18
        public static JsonMediate getInstance(String contentString) {
            JSON content = null;
            try {
                content = JSONObject.parseObject(contentString);
            } catch (Exception ignored) {}
            try {
                content = JSONArray.parseArray(contentString);
            } catch (Exception ignored) {}
            if (null == content) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content String cannot parse to JSONObject or JSONArray.");
            return JsonMediate.getInstance(content);
        private JsonMediate() {}
        /** ——————————————————————————————  开放逻辑  —————————————————————————————— */
         * @Title flushContentMap
         * @Description TODO MAP数据渲染 content → contentMap
         * @Return: com.strike.json.JsonMediate
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午3:09
        public JsonMediate flushContentMap() {
            this.contentMap = flushInnerContentMap(null, this.content);
            return this;
         * @Title renderInfo
         * @Description TODO 层级数据渲染 contentMap → properties + children
         * @Return: com.strike.json.JsonMediate
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午3:03
        public JsonMediate renderInfo() {
            Map<String, Map<String, Object>> childContentMaps = Maps.newHashMap();
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> contentEntry : this.contentMap.entrySet()) {
                String[] distributeInfo = distributeHelper(contentEntry.getKey());
                String childName = distributeInfo[0];
                String childProperty = distributeInfo[1];
                int type = TYPE_OBJECT;
                if (childName.startsWith("[")) {
                    type = TYPE_ARRAY;
                if (null == childProperty) {
                    this.properties.put(childName, contentEntry.getValue());
                Map<String, Object> childContentMap = childContentMaps.get(childName);
                childContentMap = null == childContentMap ? Maps.newHashMap() : childContentMap;
                childContentMap.put(childProperty, contentEntry.getValue());
                childContentMaps.put(childName, childContentMap);
            for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> childContentEntry : childContentMaps.entrySet()) {
                this.children.put(childContentEntry.getKey(), JsonMediate.getInstanceByMap(childContentEntry.getValue()));
            return this;
         * @Title flushContent
         * @Description TODO JSON数据渲染 properties + children → content
         * @Return: com.strike.json.JsonMediate
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午2:39
        public JsonMediate flushContent() {
            JSON body;
            if (TYPE_OBJECT == this.type) {
                body = new JSONObject();
                ((JSONObject) body).putAll(properties);
                for (Map.Entry<String, JsonMediate> childEntry : children.entrySet()) {
                    ((JSONObject) body).put(
            } else if (TYPE_ARRAY == this.type) {
                body = new JSONArray();
                while (((JSONArray) body).size() < properties.size() + children.size()) {
                    String rankIdentity = String.format("[%s]", ((JSONArray) body).size());
                    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> propertyEntry : properties.entrySet()) {
                        if (!rankIdentity.equals(propertyEntry.getKey())) {
                        ((JSONArray) body).add(propertyEntry.getValue());
                    for (Map.Entry<String, JsonMediate> childEntry : children.entrySet()) {
                        if (!rankIdentity.equals(childEntry.getKey())) {
                        ((JSONArray) body).add(
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content type undefined.");
            this.content = body;
            return this;
         * @Title put
         * @Description TODO 添加值 ( 获取最新JSON数据需先执行flushContent )
         * @Param: key
         * @Param: value
         * @Return: com.strike.json.JsonMediate
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午3:59
        public JsonMediate put(String key, Object value) {
            this.contentMap.put(key, value);
            return this;
         * @Title putAll
         * @Description TODO 批量添加值 ( 获取最新JSON数据需先执行flushContent )
         * @Param: contentMap
         * @Return: com.strike.json.JsonMediate
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午4:16
        public JsonMediate putAll(Map<String, Object> contentMap) {
            return this;
        public Integer getInteger(String key) {
            return getValue(key);
        public Double getDouble(String key) {
            return getValue(key);
        public Float getFloat(String key) {
            return getValue(key);
        public String getString(String key) {
            return getValue(key);
        public Object getObject(String key) {
            return getValue(key);
        public JSONObject getJSONObject(String key) {
            String[] distributeInfo = distributeHelper(key);
            String childName = distributeInfo[0];
            String childProperty = distributeInfo[1];
            if (null == childProperty) {
                return this.children
            } else {
                return this.children.get(childName).getJSONObject(childProperty);
        public JSONArray getJSONArray(String key) {
            String[] distributeInfo = distributeHelper(key);
            String childName = distributeInfo[0];
            String childProperty = distributeInfo[1];
            if (null == childProperty) {
                return this.children
            } else {
                return this.children.get(childName).getJSONArray(childProperty);
        /** ——————————————————————————————  封装逻辑  —————————————————————————————— */
         * @Title flushInnerContentMap
         * @Description TODO 递归MAP数据渲染 content → contentMap
         * @Param: key
         * @Param: model
         * @Return: java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午3:38
        private <T extends JSON> Map<String, Object> flushInnerContentMap(String key, T model) {
            Map<String, Object> contentMap = Maps.newHashMap();
            StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder()
                    .append(StringUtils.isBlank(key) ? "" : key)
                    .append(null == key || model instanceof JSONArray ? "" : ".");
            if (model instanceof JSONObject) {
                String identity = "%s%s";
                for (Map.Entry<String, Object> contentEntry : ((JSONObject) model).entrySet()) {
                    if (contentEntry.getValue() instanceof JSON) {
                        contentMap.putAll(flushInnerContentMap(String.format(identity, prefix, contentEntry.getKey()), (T) contentEntry.getValue()));
                    } else {
                        contentMap.put(String.format(identity, prefix, contentEntry.getKey()), contentEntry.getValue());
            } else if (model instanceof JSONArray) {
                String identity = "%s[%s]";
                for (int i = 0; i < ((JSONArray) model).size(); i++) {
                    Object item = ((JSONArray) model).get(i);
                    if (item instanceof JSON) {
                        contentMap.putAll(flushInnerContentMap(String.format(identity, prefix, i), (T) item));
                    } else {
                        contentMap.put(String.format(identity, prefix, i), item);
            return contentMap;
         * @Title getValue
         * @Description TODO 获取属性值
         * @Param: key
         * @Return: T
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午5:35
        private <T> T getValue(String key) {
            return (T) contentMap.get(key);
        /** ——————————————————————————————  辅助逻辑  —————————————————————————————— */
         * @Title distributeHelper
         * @Description TODO 子集分发辅助逻辑 key → 子节点名称 + 子节点key
         * @Param: key
         * @Return: java.lang.String[]
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午2:18
        private String[] distributeHelper(String key) {
            String childName;
            String childProperty;
            if (!key.contains(".") && (!key.contains("[") || key.indexOf("[") == 0)) {
                return new String[] { key, null };
            key = key.replaceAll("\\[", ".[");
            key = StringUtils.removeStartIgnoreCase(key, ".");
            childName = key.substring(0, key.indexOf("."));
            childProperty = key.substring((childName.length() + 1));
            childProperty = childProperty.replaceAll("\\.\\[", "[");
            return new String[] { childName, childProperty };
         * @Title dataTypeInitHelper
         * @Description TODO 数据格式管理辅助逻辑
         * @Param: type
         * @Author EagleStrike
         * @Created 2019/10/16 下午3:00
        private void dataTypeInitHelper(int type) {
            if (null == this.type || this.type == type) {
                this.type = type;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Make sure the property have a certain data type.");
        /** ——————————————————————————————  属性字段  —————————————————————————————— */
         * 数据类型 0-对象 1-集合
        private Integer type = null;
         * 跨级属性键值对缓存
        private Map<String, Object> contentMap = Maps.newHashMap();
         * 属性集合
        private Map<String, Object> properties = Maps.newHashMap();
         * 子节点集合
        private Map<String, JsonMediate> children = Maps.newHashMap();
         * JSON数据实体
        private JSON content;
        public int getType() {
            return type;
        public Map<String, Object> getContentMap() {
            return contentMap;
        public Map<String, Object> getProperties() {
            return properties;
        public Map<String, JsonMediate> getChildren() {
            return children;
        public <T extends JSON> T getContent() {
            return (T) content;
        protected JsonMediate setType(int type) {
            this.type = type;
            return this;
        protected JsonMediate setContentMap(Map<String, Object> contentMap) {
            this.contentMap = contentMap;
            return this;
        protected JsonMediate setProperties(Map<String, Object> properties) {
            this.properties = properties;
            return this;
        protected JsonMediate setChildren(Map<String, JsonMediate> children) {
            this.children = children;
            return this;
        protected JsonMediate setContent(JSON content) {
            this.content = content;
            return this;


    package com.strike.json;
    import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;
    import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;
    import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
    import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
    import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Map;
     * @ClassName TestJsonMediate
     * @Description TODO JsonMediate工具调用测试
     * @Author EagleStrike
     * @Created 2019/10/16
    public class TestJsonMediate {
        private static JSONObject data;
        private static JSONArray array;
        static {
            data = new JSONObject();
            array = new JSONArray();
            JSONObject dataCopy = new JSONObject();
            JSONArray arrayCopy = new JSONArray();
            // 初始化测试用数据对象
            data.put("current", System.currentTimeMillis());
            data.put("message", "字符串数据测试");
            data.put("info", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss SSS"));
            JSONObject innerObject = new JSONObject();
            innerObject.put("test", "测试多级内容");
            innerObject.put("date", new Date());
            innerObject.put("blank", "");
            array.add(new Date());
            array.add(new IllegalArgumentException("随便装了个异常信息"));
            data.put("array", arrayCopy);
        public void test() {
             * JSONObject数据构建
            JsonMediate dataMediate  = JsonMediate.getInstance(data);
            // 构建默认执行renderInfo() 打印properties与children信息
            Map<String, Object> properties = dataMediate.getProperties();
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> property : properties.entrySet()) {
                System.err.println(property.getKey() + "::" + property.getValue());
            Map<String, JsonMediate> children = dataMediate.getChildren();
            for (Map.Entry<String, JsonMediate> child : children.entrySet()) {
                System.err.println(child.getKey() + "::" + child.getValue().flushContent().getContent());
            JsonMediate arrayMediate = JsonMediate.getInstance(array);
            arrayMediate.put("[5].blank", "测试字符串跨级写入");

    JsonMediate实体类使用Map<String, Object>缓存长键键值对数据,可以直接通过长键获取最内层属性值,也可以通过getJSONObject和getJSONArray获取指定层级上的对象/集合数据,数据转换先后顺序在代码中的文档部分也说得比较明白了。Map长键键值对实现了最简化的缓存性质,可以在调用方法中传递JsonMediate多次调用,缓存管理交给gc我还是比较放心的,毕竟深层的东西写出来可读性太差了。




