Coach Carter

Coach Carter

作者: EricXue | 来源:发表于2017-01-18 19:33 被阅读0次
    《Coach Carter》

           《卡特教练》又名《铁血教练 》、《放牛班的严冬》,据高中篮球队教练肯·卡特的真实故事改编而成。 里士满高中篮球队原本从未在任何比赛中获胜过,是一支屡败屡战的队伍,这一切在卡特教练(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)执教之后发生了变化。他相信这支队伍在他的带领下可以成为最优秀的篮球队,所以他要求队员和他签订一个协议,约定如果队伍不团结或是成绩不佳就不再继续参加任何比赛。在他的带领下,这支队伍开始走上了上坡路,最后成为无人能敌的长胜王。但是在1999年举行的国家锦标赛上,队员们的表现却十分不尽人意,这让卡特教练沮丧不已,他真的关闭了训练馆,禁止队伍继续参加任何比赛。此举引起了极大的反响,他一时成了大众议论的焦点,有人赞赏他视篮球为生命的品格,但更多的人对他的举动表示不解,甚至是批评。

    sports journalist:St.Francis High School basketball phenom,Ty Crane,who they recruited just lasy year, is widely held as the next Lebron James.We simply know him as''The Crane''.

    "Come on,y'all!Timo,let's go man,come on."


    ''where you at?where you at?''

    ''Pick him up!Pick him up!''截住他!截住他!

    ''right here,right here.''

    ''Blue ball!''蓝方的球

    ''Good D,baby!''好防守

    Damn!What the hell are you doing ,y'all?

    You took three steps this way.

    Yo,I put my fist up,man. 

    Yo,honey,look where you are throwing the ball,man.Damn.

    Get your man!

    I knew it,I knew it.

    St.Francis is up by 22.

    Stay out of my way,bitch.I own you.

    Oh,hell no!


    Let's go!Let's go!

    Oh,no,come on,guys,stop that!

    Let me go!


    I'm good.Get off me!

    That's it!Game is over!



          本文标题:Coach Carter
