

作者: 我不是刺猬_ | 来源:发表于2019-10-28 10:35 被阅读0次


  • 将应用打包成jar文件

在终端中运行./gradlew bootRun将应用打包成一个jar文件:demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

  • 命令行运行一个jar项目
    进入 jar文件所在目录,运行一下命令启动项目
java -jar demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  • 在命令行运行命令,查看jar包文件目录路
unzip demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


    • classes
      • com
      • application.properties
    • lib
  • org
    meta一般都是项目元信息,表示项目版本,名称等 description信息。为什么会有这6个记录呢?先保留疑问。


2. spring boot项目启动源码分析

  • 在idea中扩展包中找到spring-boot-loader包,打开JarLancher类,
 * {@link Launcher} for JAR based archives. This launcher assumes that dependency jars are
 * included inside a {@code /BOOT-INF/lib} directory and that application classes are
 * included inside a {@code /BOOT-INF/classes} directory.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @author Andy Wilkinson
public class JarLauncher extends ExecutableArchiveLauncher {

    static final String BOOT_INF_CLASSES = "BOOT-INF/classes/";

    static final String BOOT_INF_LIB = "BOOT-INF/lib/";

    public JarLauncher() {

    protected JarLauncher(Archive archive) {

    protected boolean isNestedArchive(Archive.Entry entry) {
        if (entry.isDirectory()) {
            return entry.getName().equals(BOOT_INF_CLASSES);
        return entry.getName().startsWith(BOOT_INF_LIB);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new JarLauncher().launch(args);


分析: 该类继承了ExecutableArchiveLauncher抽象类,两个静态成员变量属性,原来jar包部分目录是JarLancher指定的,最后main方法,实际上是JarLancher对象将main方法的参数通过lanch方法加载。我们再往上看ExecutableArchiveLauncher抽象类,及跳转launch方法。

 * Base class for executable archive {@link Launcher}s.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @author Andy Wilkinson
public abstract class ExecutableArchiveLauncher extends Launcher {

    private final Archive archive;

    public ExecutableArchiveLauncher() {
        try {
            this.archive = createArchive();
        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(ex);

    protected ExecutableArchiveLauncher(Archive archive) {
        this.archive = archive;

    protected final Archive getArchive() {
        return this.archive;

    protected String getMainClass() throws Exception {
        Manifest manifest = this.archive.getManifest();
        String mainClass = null;
        if (manifest != null) {
            mainClass = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Start-Class");
        if (mainClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "No 'Start-Class' manifest entry specified in " + this);
        return mainClass;

    protected List<Archive> getClassPathArchives() throws Exception {
        List<Archive> archives = new ArrayList<>(
        return archives;

     * Determine if the specified {@link JarEntry} is a nested item that should be added
     * to the classpath. The method is called once for each entry.
     * @param entry the jar entry
     * @return {@code true} if the entry is a nested item (jar or folder)
    protected abstract boolean isNestedArchive(Archive.Entry entry);

     * Called to post-process archive entries before they are used. Implementations can
     * add and remove entries.
     * @param archives the archives
     * @throws Exception if the post processing fails
    protected void postProcessClassPathArchives(List<Archive> archives) throws Exception {


分析:该类也是继承一个Lancher的抽象类,launch()方法就是在最顶层抽象类实现,查看该类的实现类,如下,这时候忽然明白,原来gradle 打包工具,jar包和war包是在这里定义的。

 * Base class for launchers that can start an application with a fully configured
 * classpath backed by one or more {@link Archive}s.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @author Dave Syer
public abstract class Launcher {

     * Launch the application. This method is the initial entry point that should be
     * called by a subclass {@code public static void main(String[] args)} method.
     * @param args the incoming arguments
     * @throws Exception if the application fails to launch
    protected void launch(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ClassLoader classLoader = createClassLoader(getClassPathArchives());
        launch(args, getMainClass(), classLoader);

     * Create a classloader for the specified archives.
     * @param archives the archives
     * @return the classloader
     * @throws Exception if the classloader cannot be created
    protected ClassLoader createClassLoader(List<Archive> archives) throws Exception {
        List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<>(archives.size());
        for (Archive archive : archives) {
        return createClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[0]));

     * Create a classloader for the specified URLs.
     * @param urls the URLs
     * @return the classloader
     * @throws Exception if the classloader cannot be created
    protected ClassLoader createClassLoader(URL[] urls) throws Exception {
        return new LaunchedURLClassLoader(urls, getClass().getClassLoader());

     * Launch the application given the archive file and a fully configured classloader.
     * @param args the incoming arguments
     * @param mainClass the main class to run
     * @param classLoader the classloader
     * @throws Exception if the launch fails
    protected void launch(String[] args, String mainClass, ClassLoader classLoader)
            throws Exception {
        createMainMethodRunner(mainClass, args, classLoader).run();

     * Create the {@code MainMethodRunner} used to launch the application.
     * @param mainClass the main class
     * @param args the incoming arguments
     * @param classLoader the classloader
     * @return the main method runner
    protected MainMethodRunner createMainMethodRunner(String mainClass, String[] args,
            ClassLoader classLoader) {
        return new MainMethodRunner(mainClass, args);

     * Returns the main class that should be launched.
     * @return the name of the main class
     * @throws Exception if the main class cannot be obtained
    protected abstract String getMainClass() throws Exception;

     * Returns the archives that will be used to construct the class path.
     * @return the class path archives
     * @throws Exception if the class path archives cannot be obtained
    protected abstract List<Archive> getClassPathArchives() throws Exception;

    protected final Archive createArchive() throws Exception {
        ProtectionDomain protectionDomain = getClass().getProtectionDomain();
        CodeSource codeSource = protectionDomain.getCodeSource();
        URI location = (codeSource != null) ? codeSource.getLocation().toURI() : null;
        String path = (location != null) ? location.getSchemeSpecificPart() : null;
        if (path == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to determine code source archive");
        File root = new File(path);
        if (!root.exists()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Unable to determine code source archive from " + root);
        return (root.isDirectory() ? new ExplodedArchive(root)
                : new JarFileArchive(root));


解析:launch()中,ClassLoader classLoader = createClassLoader(getClassPathArchives()); 该行代码主要做的就是将类归档文件作为参数,并加载到类加载器中。

    protected List<Archive> getClassPathArchives() throws Exception {
        List<Archive> archives = new ArrayList<>(
        return archives;

我们看到spring-boot-loader并没有直接将jar包复制到目录中,因为jar打包规范是将所有的jar包都解压缩后,不允许嵌套,如果将class文件打包成一个jar文件,该方式的缺点是文件目录混乱,重名时就会进行覆盖。但是我们看到在项目源文件中,有lib目录,这些是spring boot通过classloader达到了目的。

protected void launch(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ClassLoader classLoader = createClassLoader(getClassPathArchives());
        launch(args, getMainClass(), classLoader);

1)getClassPathArchieves() 将子文件夹中的嵌套的jar文件获取到硬盘位置url
2)ClassLoader classLoader = createClassLoader(getClassPathArchives());装载到自定义类加载器中,返回jar文件的类加载器对象,具体过程如下:

  • 将class文件url放置到一个array中。
protected ClassLoader createClassLoader(List<Archive> archives) throws Exception {
        List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<>(archives.size());
        for (Archive archive : archives) {
        return createClassLoader(urls.toArray(new URL[0]));
  • createClassLoader负责通过url加载,进入到这个方法中,一个参数是我们的jar url,另一个是系统类加载器的class对象。真正加载的类加载器就是new LaunchedURLClassLoader(),再进入到这个方法
protected ClassLoader createClassLoader(URL[] urls) throws Exception {
        return new LaunchedURLClassLoader(urls, getClass().getClassLoader());
  • 可以看到都是在调用系统类加载器,
public LaunchedURLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) {
        super(urls, parent);
   public URLClassLoader(URL[] urls, ClassLoader parent) {
        // this is to make the stack depth consistent with 1.1
        SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
        if (security != null) {
        this.acc = AccessController.getContext();
        ucp = new URLClassPath(urls, acc);
   protected SecureClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {
        // this is to make the stack depth consistent with 1.1
        SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
        if (security != null) {
        initialized = true;
 protected ClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) {
        this(checkCreateClassLoader(), parent);


    protected void launch(String[] args, String mainClass, ClassLoader classLoader):
            throws Exception {
        Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader); ##这句话就是将类加载器替换为自定义类加载器
        createMainMethodRunner(mainClass, args, classLoader).run();

获取到MANIFEST.MFStart-Class属性,作为main class参数,

    protected String getMainClass() throws Exception {
        Manifest manifest = this.archive.getManifest();
        String mainClass = null;
        if (manifest != null) {
            mainClass = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue("Start-Class");
        if (mainClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "No 'Start-Class' manifest entry specified in " + this);
        return mainClass;

4)Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(classLoader); 这句就是将类加载器替换为自定义类加载器

  1. createMainMethodRunner(mainClass, args, classLoader).run();做了什么呢?主要在run方法。
  • MainMethodRunner只做了变量替换而已。
protected MainMethodRunner createMainMethodRunner(String mainClass, String[] args,
            ClassLoader classLoader) {
        return new MainMethodRunner(mainClass, args);
public MainMethodRunner(String mainClass, String[] args) {
        this.mainClassName = mainClass;
        this.args = (args != null) ? args.clone() : null;
  • run()[重点] :可以看到spring boot通过自定义classloader后,在Thread中获取到,通过反射的方式来运行对应的“main”方法,这种巧妙的办法加载应用入口其实不叫“main”也可以,只要入口名对应就行,之所以取“main”,因此可以在IDE中通过run的方式运行,否则取其他名字则不能。
    public void run() throws Exception {
        Class<?> mainClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
        Method mainMethod = mainClass.getDeclaredMethod("main", String[].class);
        mainMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] { this.args });

以上就是spring boot加载类的启动过程,这也就是为什么org下是将spring-boot-loader复制到了org文件夹下,不能嵌套jar文件,而BOOT-INF却可以,就是自定义了类加载器。



