Before we jump into CSS, let's start with a quick review of HTML. HTML is used to define the structure of a webpage and the meaning of the content to the browser. Using semantic HTML helps with accessibility and search engine optimization. It also effects how you write the CSS, since they are closely related together. Front end web development refers to the languages that run in the browser. While these three languages work together, they're each responsible for something different.
HTML is the starting point, because it's used to add content and structure the page. CSS is for presentational effects and styles, such as colors and fonts. And JavaScript is used for adding interactivity, such as clicking through an image gallery, or dynamically changing content with a button click or a page scroll. So, what is HTML5, and how is it different from HTML or XHTML? These refer to different versions, with HTML5 being the latest.
With each new version, features are added or removed, and syntax rules also change. These standards are maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium. You can find all the documentation, guidelines, and recommendations for HTML and CSS on their website at And here are some other specific resources about the latest HTML5 features and changes. The Mozilla developer network has some information about the video and audio content.
In HTML5, more support from media elements were integrated, making Flash a thing of the past. This documentation on the Mozilla site goes into greater detail about the specifications and features. The Canvas element was also added in HTML5. In combining this with JavaScript, it also allowed for more ways to draw graphics using code, which is also documented on the Mozilla developer network. It has some basic examples, as well as links to some further resources.
There has also been the addition of new semantic HTML5 elements for defining your content, and HTML5 Doctor is a great resource to learn about the changes. Let's do a review of some HTML terminology and syntax. Getting a grasp on the terms makes it easier to ask clearer questions and find answers. Elements are the components that define page objects, such as paragraphs and links. Tags are used to define these elements, using angled brackets wrapped around the tag name.
They usually come in pairs and wrap the content to give meaning to it. The opening tag is added at the beginning of the element, and the closing tag, with the addition of a forward slash, marks the end. There are some exceptions to this rule. Void elements don't have closing tags and don't wrap any content, because they are the content. But, there aren't many void elements, and here's the full list. Visit the W3C for more information about each tag.
Some void elements can be used on their own, and others require additional information. For example, the HR tag creates a horizontal rule, which looks just like a line, and is often used to separate blocks of text and does not require any other information. Images, on the other hand, requires two attributes. A source attribute to link to and load the image file, and the alt attribute, to provide a short description about the image for screen readers.
You may have also seen void elements written with a forward slash at the end of the tag. This is one of those HTML5 syntax changes. It was required in the previous version, XHTML, but is no longer needed. HTML5 is actually backwards compatible, so if you leave it in, that works as well. There are many different attributes used to provide additional information. They always follow the format of attribute name equals the value contained in single or double quotes.
The values vary depending on the attribute. Another common one is the HREF attribute, used to add the address for the link reference. You can also have more than one attribute per tag. It doesn't matter what order you put them in, just be sure to separate them with a space. We'll be looking at a few more attributes, specifically for CSS, in the upcoming lessons. The document object model represents the tree-like structure that is created when writing HTML.
Each element is an object, which makes up the document, hence the name, document object model. Elements are often nested, meaning the tags are written inside of other tags. This creates relationships resembling a family tree. Branches of ancestors, descendants, parents, children, and sibling nodes. Understanding this model is necessary for writing CSS. And here's a little pro tip.
每个元素都是一个对象,它构成了文档,因此命名为document object model。元素通常是嵌套的,这意味着标签是在其他标签的内部写的。这就产生了一种类似于族谱的关系。祖先、后代、父母、孩子和兄弟姐妹的分支。理解这个模型是编写CSS的必要条件。这里有个小建议。
Use white space and indentation to visually show which elements are nested. This is just a short example, but indentation will make the code easier to read as your pages get longer and longer.