Simon Sinek's sharing: Love Your Work (
I'm totally addicted to his speeches and his beliefs of purpose. I can watch his speeches for a whole day, which always inspires me to have a new angle to this world!
250,000 people were dying due to preventable death. I'm talking about little accidents: Doctors working in the morning are not briefing properly to the doctors working in the evening.
The confusing thing is we have the best doctors, most advanced technology/devices/medicine in the world. Why is this happening?
The reason is 5% of hospital administrators are doctors.(大部分都不是医生). Hospitals are run like business, like numbers. The reason is not the people who provide care to the patients. They're highly trained. The problem is the way those people are cared for. The problem is that they feel they're not part of anything. They're just doing their jobs and they don't get along in the environment.
The impact is death.
看过两三个Simon Sinek的分享或者演讲,发现都是informative+inspiring/persuasive speech,再加上一点恰到好处的entertaining元素。我以前总觉得informative以及"Research Your Topic"类的演讲很容易写得很枯燥,但是看了Simon的演讲,发现不是的,他总能够让看起来枯燥的信息变得有趣,因为:
1. 热情动人:他总是充满热情和信心地讲述自己想要传达的东西,因为他的高能量和信念感,观众会不知不觉被他吸引。
2. 数据惊人:尽管都是讲述fact/数据,但是这些信息和我们息息相关(比如医院中由于little accident造成的死亡人数,让人不寒而栗)。
3. 信息直达人心:数据本身没有价值,数据背后的意义才有价值。这组数据和事实背后的意义:由于医院职员没有归属感、没有被正确地对待,由于医院没有营造合适的工作氛围,造成了每年二十多万由于“各种小意外”的死亡。这个影响是可怕的。
I used this example because it's so exaggerated and the impact is so powerful. The problem is the same in our companies.
We come to work and we're told, you must care for your client, you must care for your customers, you must make them the focus of what you do. Then why aren't the people managing us at the top caring about us?
The impact in the hospital is bad. And the impact in the outside world is just bad that we're not working at our best, we don't care for the things we're doing, we're not helping each other is the most important part.
The result is that we're unfulfilled by the work that we do->We focus on the details-> We retract from each other->We feel lonely->各种疾病降临(癌症、高血压等)-> In another words, when we go to work, we're killing ourselves.
1. 【WIIFM】What's In It For Me
2. 【Why's the problem important?】
Simon在举完最开头的例子之后,话锋一转,这个在我们现实生活中其实都在发生,我们在公司中就有类似的情况:“在我们自己的工作环境中,我们并没有足够的成就感,我们觉得自己的工作跟自己关系不大,我们并不能发挥自己的优势和能力。” 观众听到这里,不禁频频点头(我猜很多人在公司里面都有类似的情况吧),这里共鸣感就出来了。而且注意,Simon用的词是“we",这是拉进和观众关系的一个制胜法宝,表达“我们一样”。