One.I think we must have good planning and methods in study and learn abilities with friends.
Two. conduct vt.进行 实施 reveal vt.揭示 透露 innate a.天生的 priority n.优先考虑的事 snack n.小吃
Three.A top student who is also a top athlete memorises biology terms as he works out every day . Another student learns a new word every morning while brushing his teeth .
Four.The problem I have is that listening is difficult.
Five.My partner wants me to pronounce the standard.
Six.I feel my hearing is down.I need to work harder in listening.
Seven.Next time, learn more listening and speaking
Eight.In the next week,I want to be Crisp and crisp.
Nine.My favorite moment of life is when I thought it was time to get up, I looked at my watch,late at night, I can continue to sleep in peace of mind.
Ten.This week I admire myself for giving fuel to the management department.
Eleven.My little action this week is to send hot water for athletes.