Chapter 01@Stylish Writing 删繁就简

Chapter 01@Stylish Writing 删繁就简

作者: 好好种地 | 来源:发表于2017-11-02 01:05 被阅读7次


    1、用介词(短语)替代从句。 when 引导的从句可以用during来替代,在方位及指路中可以用at 替代。

    1)  While they were playing tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.

    1#  During tennis, she started an argument that lasted all morning.

    2) When you come to the second traffic light, turn right.

    2# At the second traffic light, turn right.


    1) The novel, which is written in three parts, told a story that is set in the Middle Ages.

    1# Written in three parts, the novel told a story set in the Middle Ages.

    1# The three-part novel told a story set in the Middle Ages.

    3、用前置修饰语替代who/that 从句,意思是能用一个形容词搞定的就不要用从句了。

    1) A neighbour who would like to help others will get certain help in return.

    1# A helpful neighbour often receives help from others in return.

    2) The couple that has just married plans to visit Chengdu in southwestern China.

    2# The newly-wed couple plans to visit Chengdu in southwestern China.

    3) I want to thank people who are associated either in the past or at the present with the Shanghai International Studies University, such as Margaret Wang, Vivian Yang, Professor Li Guan-Yi and Miss Marion Baillie.

    3# I want to thank people associated with the Shanghai InternationalstudiesUniversity, past and present: Margaret Wang, Vivian Yang, Professor Li Guan-Yi and Miss Marion Baillie.


    1) Two joint partners will present their views over a long-distance telephone call.

    1# Two partners will present their views over a long-distance call.

    2) We sometimes make choices that put our lives in jeopardy where death can occur.

    2# We sometimes make choices that put our lives in jeopardy.

    3) He gets so angry that he would like to take someone else's life and murder them.

    3# Sometimes he becomes angry enough to contemplate murder.

    4) Liu Bin is employed at a TV station working as a news reporter.

    4# 1) Liu Bin works at TV station as a news reporter.

    4# 2) Liu Bin is a news reporter at a TV station.

    4# 3) Liu Bin is a TV news reporter.

    5) Sun Hong is determined in her mind to lose weight.

    5# Sun Hong is determined to lose weight.

    6) My car is a foreign import, not home-made. 

    6#  My car is an import, not home-made.

    7) This book will help you master the basic elements of good writing.

    ## basic 与 elements 重复,保留一个即可。

    7# This book will help you master the basics of good writing.

    8) Dr.Sun Yat-sen wants to Japan by means of a big boat.

    8# Dr Sun Yat-sen want to Japan by boat.

    9) He has no sense of principles, whether he is in public or in private.

    ###Me: he cannot realise whether he is in public or in private. 简化。另外:whether in white or in black= black or white; whether in theory or in practice= in theory, or in practice.

    9# He has no principles, public or private.


    1) It makes me feel painful to think that she has to work 12 hours a day and seven days a week.

    ## make sb feel painful 可直接用动词。it+e及物动词+sb. it makes me sad= it saddens me, it makes me cheerful= it cheers me.

    1# It pains me to think that she has to work 12 hours a day and seven days a week.

    2) It will be our aim to ensure proper health care for each and every one of the Chinese people.

    ## Our aim 可以直接做主语,It is our position= our position is; it is my proposal that=my proposal is that/ I propose that.

    2# Our aim is to ensure proper health care for all Chinese people.

    3) The search of the forest that they conducted was entirely complete.

    ## the search 与conduct 重复。

    3# The search of the forest was complete. 2) They conducted a complete search of the forest.

    4) The task that they performed was completely finished. 

    4# the task was complete.或 they finished the task. 看看强调的是哪一方即可。

    5) In a cautious manner the car went around the corner.


    5# The car went around the corner cautiously

    5# 2) The car negotiated the corner. negotiate="顺利通过"。

    6、学会使用含否定意义的词, 如 lack\ rarely\ barely\ without.

    1) College students who do not have sufficient financial backing can apply for the need-based scholarship.

    1# College students who lack sufficient financial backing can apply for the need-based scholarship.

    2) The side effects were not often experienced by patients.

    2# The patients rarely experience side effects.

    3) Susan almost finished talking on the phone, but did not, when her baby woke up.

    3# Susan had barely finished talking on the phone when her baby woke up.



          本文标题:Chapter 01@Stylish Writing 删繁就简
