Chance generally favours the prudent. 运气通常照顾深思熟虑者。
Hey,don't be afraid! We have to protect our minds, why ar...
在一个拥挤的房间里交谈着 庆幸你是个健忘的人 驱车驶进灯红酒绿之中 黑暗里一张张模糊的面容 穿梭于这车水马龙 在暗...
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; ...
People favors clevers, whereas fortune favors fools, thus...
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. ...
1,搭配 2,翻译 People with creative minds Creative minds tend...
上周,英语共学社在做这段翻译练习: Mr Trump favours tax cuts and extra pub...
朗朗上口 是轻快自然的过往。 Take chance Take chance,take chance Take c...
本文标题:Chance favours the minds that ar