Since 2015, Shenzhen has conducted purchaserestriction of vehicles to inhibit the excessive growth of vehicles by license plate drawing and auction bidding. Even though there areonly 100,000 quotas every year, the number of the applicants keeps climbing. Inthis December’s bidding, the most expensive license plate appears. The averageprice of personal license plate has reached 95,103, which is jokingly called “the priciest tin”.
The most expensivelicense plate in different cities

Given by the statistics from the management information system of passenger car index control of the five cities, the highest average transaction prices of Guangzhou and Tianjin are lower than 50,000. However, the ones of Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hangzhou are higher than 50,000, in which the average transaction price of Shenzhen are probably breaking 100,000 in the next year. By comparing five cities, we can see that inShenzhen and Guangzhou, the minimum and average of transaction price of license plates both have an increasing, while the other cities keep in a relatively stable condition or a fluctuation showing a downward trend. Among all, transaction priceof Shenzhen has a dramatic growth this year, soaring from 51,282 to 95,103since August, which is almost two times larger.

The growing speed of transaction price of Shenzhen which is 92,848, is so crazy that it catches up and exceed the average transaction price of Shanghai, the second largest cities in China. Also,compared with Guangzhou which is next to Shenzhen and has a lowest average transaction price in five highest ones, Shenzhen is nearly three times bigger.Through the graph above, it’s obvious that the average transaction price keeps leading Guangzhou this year. And the growth rate is much quicker.
The storm behind the crazy growth

The reason of this rapid growth cannot get rid of the fight between supply and demand. According to the statisticsfrom website of Shenzhen traffic police, the number of driver in Shenzhen keeps increasing results in the expanding demands of the license plate. Even thoughthe growth rate of driver has a slower decrease these five years, it still increasesby hundreds of thousand people each year. And the quotas of 100,000 license plates every year can hardly meet the growing demands.

The policy also sparksthe desire of bidding a license plate as soon as possible. In August, Shenzhen government put forward a policy that larges the region restricted non-localvehicles in rush time. This makes much more inconvenience to the non-localdrivers appealing more drivers to register bidding. Therefore, the number of applicants in September is a double of August. It’s also a start of the astonishing growth.
Another choice: newenergy automobile

In the background that national governmentencourages using new energy automobile, Shenzhen government also put forwardmany concession policies to populate new energy automobile. Shenzhen, as thefirst batch of pilot cities for demonstration and promotion of new energy automobilein China, has issued 7 policies to promote the development of new energy automobile. The driver who buys new energy automobile can enjoy the preferentialismand subsidy. The multifaceted policies of benefit are attracting more and moredrivers to buy new energy automobile. According to Shenzhen personal car indexcontrol and management center, the purchase of new energy automobile has asharp growth since August. By 27th November, the purchase of new energy automobile since August has reached 24,162. It’s promising for the new energy automobile market, because of the benefit of new energy automobile, theincreasing price of license plate and more and more restrictions for gasoline vehicles.

Not only in Shenzhen, but the whole countryis getting ready for new energy automobile. From only hundreds of purchase each month in 2012, the new energy automobile is getting more and more popular in the public. Statistics from a vehicle organization indicate that the purchase of new energy automobile in 2016 is thirty-threetimes of 2012, growing from 9704 to 320,690.
For the consumer, it may be a good time to reconsider whether buying new energy automobile or the traditional gasoline vehicle. With more and more choices offer to the drivers, maybe one day the hottest price of license plate can have a bit cool down.
sources: 北京市小客车指标管理信息系统,