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[React] React组件的生命周期

[React] React组件的生命周期

作者: 何幻 | 来源:发表于2017-01-07 23:03 被阅读12次



Note that React may call this method even if the props have not changed, so make sure to compare the current and next values if you only want to handle changes. This may occur when the parent component causes your component to re-render.
——React.Component: componentWillReceiveProps()

如果返回falsecomponentWillUpdate render componentDidUpdate方法就不被调用;


// 当前组件和子组件shouldComponentUpdate都为true

Page: componentWillMount
Page: render
    A: componentWillMount
    A: render
    A: componentDidMount
Page: componentDidMount

Page: setState
Page: shouldComponentUpdate ---- true
Page: componentWillUpdate
Page: render
    A: componentWillReceiveProps
    A: shouldComponentUpdate ---- true
    A: componentWillUpdate
    A: render
    A: componentDidUpdate
Page: componentDidUpdate
// 子组件shouldComponentUpdate为false

Page: componentWillMount
Page: render
    A: componentWillMount
    A: render
    A: componentDidMount
Page: componentDidMount

Page: setState
Page: shouldComponentUpdate ---- true
Page: componentWillUpdate
Page: render
    A: componentWillReceiveProps
    A: shouldComponentUpdate ---- false
Page: componentDidUpdate
// 当前组件的shouldComponentUpdate为false

Page: componentWillMount
Page: render
    A: componentWillMount
    A: render
    A: componentDidMount
Page: componentDidMount

Page: setState
Page: shouldComponentUpdate ---- false


Component Specs and Lifecycle


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