RiverPod 笔记

RiverPod 笔记

作者: zonda的地盘 | 来源:发表于2022-11-22 15:48 被阅读0次


    extension on AutoDisposeRef {
    // When invoked keeps your provider alive for [duration]
    void cacheFor(Duration duration) {
    final link = keepAlive();
    final timer = Timer(duration, () => link.close());
    ref.onDispose(() => timer.cancel());

    final myProvider = Provider.autoDispose<int>((ref) {
    ref.cacheFor(Duration(minutes: 5));

    2、 New in Riverpod 2.0: NotifierProvider and AsyncNotifierProvider


    @riverpod --> family

    3、 Disadvantage: Not all provider types are supported yet

    Out of the six different kinds of providers, riverpod_generator only supports two of them:

    1. Provider (works with generator)
    2. StateProvider (legacy)
    3. StateNotifierProvider (legacy)
    4. FutureProvider (works with generator)
    5. StreamProvider
    6. ChangeNotifierProvider (legacy)

    As we will see in the next article, StateProvider and StateNotifierProvider can be replaced by the new Notifier and AsyncNotifier.

    But for now, there isn't a straightforward migration strategy that will work for existing apps. And if your app uses a realtime database and relies heavily on streams, you can't take advantage of the new syntax yet.

    4、When to use ref.watch vs ref.read?

    As a rule of thumb, we should:

    call ref.watch(provider) to observe a provider's state in the build method and rebuild a widget when it changes
    call ref.read(provider) to read a provider's state just once (this can be useful in initState or other lifecycle methods)

    However, in the code above we have called ref.read(provider.notifier) and used it to modify its state.

    The .notifier syntax is available with StateProvider and StateNotifierProvider only and works as follows:

    call ref.read(provider.notifier) on a StateProvider<T> to return the underlying StateController<T> that we can use to modify the state
    call ref.read(provider.notifier) on a StateNotifierProvider<T> to return the underlying StateNotifier<T> so we can call methods on it

    Alongside ref.read and ref.watch, we also have ref.listen

    5、## Scoping Providers

    With Riverpod, we can scope providers so that they behave differently for a specific part of the application.

    这里列举了一个 ListView 性能优化的列子

    // 1. Declare a Provider
    final currentProductIndex = Provider<int>((_) => throw UnimplementedError());
    class ProductList extends StatelessWidget {
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return ListView.builder(itemBuilder: (context, index) {
          // 2. Add a parent ProviderScope
          return ProviderScope(
            overrides: [
              // 3. Add a dependency override on the index
            // 4. return a **const** ProductItem with no constructor arguments
            child: const ProductItem(),
    class ProductItem extends ConsumerWidget {
      const ProductItem({super.key});
      Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
        // 5. Access the index via WidgetRef
        final index = ref.watch(currentProductIndex);
        // do something with the index



          本文标题:RiverPod 笔记
