1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:To make it possible for someone to do something, or for something to happen.
例句:'One Word A Day' enables English learners to take a fresh look at the words that are overlooked.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“enable”是及物动词,从词形可以看得出它由“en”和“able”两部分组成,意思是“让/使某人做某事,使......成为可能”。它经常可以用来替换同义词 let 和 allow,在口语和写作中都可以使用。
比如,苹果的 AppleCare+ 服务可以让用户延长硬件保修时长,就可以说:
AppleCare+ enables Apple customers to extend the one-year hardware repair coverage to up to two years.
WeChat Moments, a popular WeChat feature, enables users to share with their friends what they are up to and what is on their mind.(注意:“WeChat Moments”是“微信朋友圈”的英文名称,是专有名词,表示一个功能,所以谓语动词用了单三。)
Social networks like Facebook and Twitter track people’s movements around the web and enable advertisers to reach users via tailored advertisements.
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
IELTS enables the exam candidates to know their English proficiency.
(参考翻译:IELTS enables examinees to get a sense of how proficient their English is. 或者:IELTS enables examinees/candidates to measure their English proficiency.)
Writing clearly enables us to perceive what we are actually thinking deep down in our heart.