内容简介 :
# 虽然证据细节并不新颖,但是作者特有的描写视角和写作手法把这个故事讲得惊心动魄,险象环生。TZ不是问题,仅仅是描写手法让体制显得冷酷无情,同时又让体制在结局显现出一丝温情,只是文学手法而已。问题的核心还是在于陷害一个人是否真的这么容易,这才是整个故事的惊险性的来源,转眼间失去一切的共情感让人颤栗。
# 好喜欢这本书的女性啊!坚强、独立、富有爱心还执着。其实相对于女主(“我”是女主吧?)个人更喜欢那个女检察官!总之不剧透了,强烈推荐!
Chapter Three
...I knew too much about the child welfare system, having experienced its shortcomings firsthand. I had seen how its best intentions could be twisted by the intransigence and senselessness of what was basically a broken bureaucracy. I had met too many shifty adults who took advantage of the lack of oversight, whether it was the chronically lazy caseworker doing as little work as possible to keep her job, or the foster family who saw only dollar signs when it took in a new child.
And yes, they were the minority. But even the good people were being thrust into this thing that was too big, too clumsy, and too overstressed by having to deal with society’s collective dysfunction. It was almost inevitable something that unwieldy would create as many problems as it solved. People who were enmeshed in that world called it, simply, “the system.” And it was really the perfect term for something so cold, complex, and ultimately impersonal. Once you were in it, you lost some part of your humanity. Your family became a file to be passed around from one harried, underpaid, overworked civil servant to another.
或许你会说,坏人只是少数。可是有时候好人也被不由分说地卷入麻烦中,碰到繁杂而庞大的问题,不得不处理这种“社会集体的弊端”。甚至解决了这些问题,又会有另外一些问题接踵而来。 深陷其中的人无奈地称之为“体制”。或许用这个词形容它的冷酷、复杂、缺乏人情味儿再适合不过了。你一旦陷入其中,人格就不再完整。你的家庭也不过是一份档案,它存在的价值就是从一个满口怨言、收入微薄、工作超时的公务员手中传到另一个同样处境的公务员手中罢了。 我已尽我所能地从支离破碎的童年中走出来,去努力地工作,以防再度陷入这种麻烦。
...Once you were in the system, there was no easy way out. Its collective machinery acted like a giant steel maw, trapping you between its sharpened incisors, tearing another chunk out of you every time you jerked or squirmed.
Chapter Five
...Why my mother—who had once been smart, and pretty, and surely had better options—stayed with a man like that is testimony to how abuse can alter a person’s psyche. She not only stayed, she doubled down on the relationship, giving birth to me.
Chapter Forty
OneThe human brain is hardwired with a fervent desire to make sense of the world, to create connections between events whether they exist or not.
Chapter Forty-Eight
In a strange way, I envied them. At least they eventually found that lowest point. Not so in ad seg.
It was like hitting a new bottom every day.
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