

作者: macbooks | 来源:发表于2022-03-11 18:56 被阅读0次

Reality of Fatherhood Never Truly Dawned on Man 



A Four-Year-Old Boy Convinced Father Is a Fool After 45th Hide-and-Seek Victory

GLENDALE, PENNSYLVANIA-Expressing embarrassment and disappointment over being the son of such a loser, local four-year-old Connor Heyward was convinced that his father, Craig Heyward, was a fool after losing 45 games of hide-and-seek. “God, this is bad. I’ve hidden behind that bush a dozen times, and he still can’t find me, “ said Connor, admitting that after finding his father crouched behind a chair half his size, he had started to worry he might grow up to be a “ complete idiot” just like his dad. “At first, I thought I might be really good at this game, but after succeeding in hiding underneath a clothes basket with visible holes, I realized the kind of game was not his cake. It’d be one thing if he were only bad at seeking, but so far, his best hiding spot was behind the back door. Who hides behind a door? There’s no strategy to it whatsoever. “

Reality of Fatherhood Never Truly Dawned on Man Until He Held Newborn Son’s Hospital Bill

MISSOULA, MONTANA-Describing how he suddenly found himself overwhelmed by a flood of intense emotions, local man Mike Bentzen told reporters the reality of fatherhood didn’t truly set in for him until the moment he held his newborn son’s hospital bill. “Wow, this is going to totally change my life,” said Bentzen as tears welled up in his eyes. “Some friends tell me about their experience, but you can’t understand what it feels like until you’re looking down at it in your own hands.” Bentzen reportedly started weeping softly as he sat down with his son’s hospital bill in his lap and began imagining how he would deal with this for the next 18 years.



