《Kotlin Contract 契约》极简教程

作者: 光剑书架上的书 | 来源:发表于2019-08-09 02:01 被阅读16次


    val nullList: List<Any>? = null
    val b1 = nullList.isNullOrEmpty() // true

    val empty: List<Any>? = emptyList<Any>()
    val b2 = empty.isNullOrEmpty() // true

    val collection: List<Char>? = listOf('a', 'b', 'c')
    val b3 = collection.isNullOrEmpty() // false


    fun f1(s: String?): Int {
        return if (s != null) {
        } else 0

it works, BUT :

fun f2(s: String?): Int {
    return if (isNotEmpty(s)) {
        s?.length ?: 0  // 我们需要使用 ?.
    } else 0

fun isNotEmpty(s: String?): Boolean {
    return s != null && s != ""


Contract 契约就是来解决这个问题的.

我们都知道Kotlin中有个非常nice的功能就是类型智能推导(官方称为smart cast), 不知道小伙伴们在使用Kotlin开发的过程中有没有遇到过这样的场景,会发现有时候智能推导能够正确识别出来,有时候却失败了。

 * Returns `true` if this nullable collection is either null or empty.
 * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Collections.collectionIsNullOrEmpty
public inline fun <T> Collection<T>?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean {
    contract {
        returns(false) implies (this@isNullOrEmpty != null)

    return this == null || this.isEmpty()

so, what is contract ?


inline fun <T> Collection<T>?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean 这个函数返回值如果是false, 那么 implies (this@isNullOrEmpty != null).

下面我们来探讨一下 contract 的语法:

contract 只能使用在 top level fun 中


由于Contract契约API (1.3中)还是Experimental,所以需要使用ExperimentalContracts注解声明.

contract should be the first statement

fun isNotEmptyWithContract(s: String?): Boolean {
    // val a = 1
    // 这里契约的意思是: 调用 isNotEmptyWithContract 函数,会产生这样的效果: 如果返回值是true, 那就意味着 s != null. 把这个契约行为告知到给编译器,编译器就知道了下次碰到这种情形,你的 s 就是非空的,自然就smart cast了。
    contract {
        returns(true) implies (s != null)
    return s != null && s != ""

fun f3(s: String?): Int {
    return if (isNotEmptyWithContract(s)) {
    } else 0

fun main() {
    val demo = ContractDemo()


open class Animal(name: String)

fun Animal.isCat(): Boolean {
    return this is Cat

class Cat : Animal("Cat") {
    fun miao() {

class Dog : Animal("Dog") {
    fun wang() {

我们可以看到, 普通的 Animal.isCat() 编译器是无法自动推断出当前对象的类型的, 直接报错: Unresolved reference: miao .

只能类型强转: cat as Cat.

fun Animal.isCat(): Boolean {
    return this is Cat

这个时候 , 神奇的contract 魔法出现了:

fun Animal.isDog(): Boolean {
    contract {
        returns(true) implies (this@isDog is Dog)
    return this is Dog

我们可以看到, dog.wang() 可以直接调用了.



public inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T {
    contract {
        callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
    return this

契约解释: 看到这个契约是不是感觉一脸懵逼,不再是returns函数了,而是callsInPlace函数,还带传入一个InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE参数又是什么呢?
该契约表示告诉编译器:调用apply函数后产生效果是指定block lamba表达式参数在适当的位置被调用。适当位置就是block lambda表达式只能在自己函数(这里就是指外层apply函数)被调用期间被调用,当apply函数被调用结束后,block表达式不能被执行,并且指定了InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE表示block lambda表达式只能被调用一次,此外这个外层函数还必须是个inline内联函数。


package kotlin.contracts

import kotlin.internal.ContractsDsl
import kotlin.internal.InlineOnly

 * This marker distinguishes the experimental contract declaration API and is used to opt-in for that feature
 * when declaring contracts of user functions.
 * Any usage of a declaration annotated with `@ExperimentalContracts` must be accepted either by
 * annotating that usage with the [UseExperimental] annotation, e.g. `@UseExperimental(ExperimentalContracts::class)`,
 * or by using the compiler argument `-Xuse-experimental=kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts`.
public annotation class ExperimentalContracts

 * Provides a scope, where the functions of the contract DSL, such as [returns], [callsInPlace], etc.,
 * can be used to describe the contract of a function.
 * This type is used as a receiver type of the lambda function passed to the [contract] function.
 * @see contract
public interface ContractBuilder {
     * Describes a situation when a function returns normally, without any exceptions thrown.
     * Use [SimpleEffect.implies] function to describe a conditional effect that happens in such case.
    // @sample samples.contracts.returnsContract
    @ContractsDsl public fun returns(): Returns

     * Describes a situation when a function returns normally with the specified return [value].
     * The possible values of [value] are limited to `true`, `false` or `null`.
     * Use [SimpleEffect.implies] function to describe a conditional effect that happens in such case.
    // @sample samples.contracts.returnsTrueContract
    // @sample samples.contracts.returnsFalseContract
    // @sample samples.contracts.returnsNullContract
    @ContractsDsl public fun returns(value: Any?): Returns

     * Describes a situation when a function returns normally with any value that is not `null`.
     * Use [SimpleEffect.implies] function to describe a conditional effect that happens in such case.
    // @sample samples.contracts.returnsNotNullContract
    @ContractsDsl public fun returnsNotNull(): ReturnsNotNull

     * Specifies that the function parameter [lambda] is invoked in place.
     * This contract specifies that:
     * 1. the function [lambda] can only be invoked during the call of the owner function,
     *  and it won't be invoked after that owner function call is completed;
     * 2. _(optionally)_ the function [lambda] is invoked the amount of times specified by the [kind] parameter,
     *  see the [InvocationKind] enum for possible values.
     * A function declaring the `callsInPlace` effect must be _inline_.
    /* @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceAtMostOnceContract
    * @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceAtLeastOnceContract
    * @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceExactlyOnceContract
    * @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceUnknownContract
    @ContractsDsl public fun <R> callsInPlace(lambda: Function<R>, kind: InvocationKind = InvocationKind.UNKNOWN): CallsInPlace

 * Specifies how many times a function invokes its function parameter in place.
 * See [ContractBuilder.callsInPlace] for the details of the call-in-place function contract.
public enum class InvocationKind {
     * A function parameter will be invoked one time or not invoked at all.
    // @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceAtMostOnceContract
    @ContractsDsl AT_MOST_ONCE,

     * A function parameter will be invoked one or more times.
    // @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceAtLeastOnceContract
    @ContractsDsl AT_LEAST_ONCE,

     * A function parameter will be invoked exactly one time.
    // @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceExactlyOnceContract
    @ContractsDsl EXACTLY_ONCE,

     * A function parameter is called in place, but it's unknown how many times it can be called.
    // @sample samples.contracts.callsInPlaceUnknownContract
    @ContractsDsl UNKNOWN

 * Specifies the contract of a function.
 * The contract description must be at the beginning of a function and have at least one effect.
 * Only the top-level functions can have a contract for now.
 * @param builder the lambda where the contract of a function is described with the help of the [ContractBuilder] members.
public inline fun contract(builder: ContractBuilder.() -> Unit) { }





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    本文标题:《Kotlin Contract 契约》极简教程
