Scenario - 健身

Scenario - 健身

作者: go_ing | 来源:发表于2019-07-30 17:18 被阅读0次

One of the purposes I am in Singapore is to keep fitness. In the following year, I hope I can persist in taking exercise and developing a habit that doesn't eat unhealthy food anymore, for example, ice cream, carbonated drinks, puffed food, etc.

Currently, I persist in practicing the following three kinds of yoga in the morning:

  1. Ashtanga. It utilizes ujjayi breathing and vinyasa to stay conscious and connected to each breath.
  2. Yin Yoga. It is specifically designed to exercise the ligaments and to create space and strength in the joints. Yin practice can be quite challenging due to the long duration of one the poses. During a Yin practice, we intend to pool chi in the bones and joints, which requires that we diminish movement and settle into the pose.
  3. Meditation. In meditation, there is no failure, only feedback. The goal of meditation is not to have no thoughts (that is impossible) but to not interact with the thoughts that occur. Through meditation, we can touch and feel who we are.

And then go swimming or gym at night.
In the gym, I will do aerobics, for example, jog, combining with anaerobic exercise, for example, holding a dumbbell. Last but not least, I will take some time to do a good and enough stretching.

Sweat: I have some sweat anywhere. I stand, sweat drip down along the back. When I am taking exercise, sweat easily for me.
I was wet through with sweat.
I sleeved the sweat off my face.

After ran and went back to the office yesterday, we planned to stretch the body. When I leaded people to stretch, I found I cannot speak out it using correct English words. It will be awesome if I know the following words and sentences:
Firstly, it's very necessary and important to stretch the body and muscles after running, because they contract and are nervous during exercise, it will hurt easily without stretching(How easy it is to get hurt. Stretching can help make the lines of muscles beautiful and recovery quickly.
And then let's do it. The first one, stretch our calf muscles using Downward Dog, 5 deep breaths, try to push your hip upward; the second one, stretch the back thigh muscles using standing forward bends/fold, raise the arms,push them upward, buttocks tight, stomach/belly in, chest out, shoulders back, spine straight, and head out, and then bend, raise head and chest out, and then bend; and then stretch the front thigh, make the hip/buttocks down, pull the ankle; stretch the stomach/abdomen; stretch the back, arms and chest;stretch neck.
Yap, I will lead them to do a better stretch next time.


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      本文标题:Scenario - 健身
