5. No wrong numbers. 没有错误的号码。

5. No wrong numbers. 没有错误的号码。

作者: 张无忌_ | 来源:发表于2016-07-10 23:02 被阅读37次

    1. 生词跟短语

    pigeon n. 鸽子

    dove  多芬,鸽子

    message n. 信息

    send message 

    receive / get a message 

    leave a message 留一个消息

    an urgent message

    short message service = SMS

    information n.[u] 指的是抽象的信息,

    cover v. 越过

    discover 发现

    distance n. 距离

    distant adj. 遥远的  61课

    difference   -> different  不同的

    importance  -> important  重要的

    confidence -> confident  有信心的

    convenience -> convenient  方便的

     request n. 请求,要求

    Their request is absurd.

    We will refuse the request.

    spare 备件

    spare part 空余备件

    spare time 空余的时间

    What do you do in spare time?

    service n. 业务,服务

    2. 课文跟语法

    现在完成时    ->  主语 + have/ has + done(动词的过去分词)  

    -> 三单 使用 has 其他情况使用have

    -> 用法: 完成?



    1. 表达全部完成

    He has left .  他以经出去了。

    2. 表达部分完成

    We have studied/ learned English for ten years. 不能直接使用 ten years ,  因为想表达持续,所以要加上介词 for

    -> 变否定疑问:

    He hasn't left ?

    Has he left ?

    -> 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:

    1. 现在完成时 -> 全部 / 部分

    表示全部完成  可以换成 一般过去时。

    现在完成时 是站在现在的角度看过去的事, 一般过去 是站在过去的角度看过去的事。

    He has left. so I cannot find him now.

    He left two hours ago.

    2. 部分完成 不能换成一般过去时

    What does 'No wrong numbers' mean ? 

    Mr. James Scott has a garage in  Silbury and now he has just bought  another garage in Pinhurst .

    has just bought 现在完成时

    just  表示之前做了某事,并且时间还不长

     Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons . 

    Yesterday , a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to  Silbury. 

    from ... to ...  从 ... 到 ...

    The bird covered the distance three minutes.

    Up to now (到现在为止), Mr. Soctt has sent a great many requests for spare(备用,多余) parts and  other urgent(紧急的,急迫的) message from on garage to the other.

    Up to now (到现在为止) 

    so far

    some ... others  一些,另一些    第七课

    In this way , he has begun his own private 'telephone' service.

    begin began begun

    one’s own + n .

    my own room   表示他自己的房间 

    my room  不一定独有。 也可能有别人。

    3. 知识拓展

    have /has + just/already/ever/nerver + done.

    We have  already learned English for two hours.

    I have lived here for ten years.  我已经在在这住了10年了。

    They have known each other for three years.  他们认识彼此已经三年了。

    I have watched the movie five times. 我看了这电影三遍了。

    Pay has always been the biggest deterrent, as people with families often feel they cannot afford the drop in salary when moving to university job.


    Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century , perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage.

    The RA(resident advisor) said that these conflicts have also occurred among roommates of the same race.


    Have you had breakfast ?


    Have you ever travelled abroad ?

    No, I have never travelled abroad before.



          本文标题:5. No wrong numbers. 没有错误的号码。
