Use golang to develop the selpg(Command Line Interface)
Development Environment
Ubuntu : 16.04
Golang : go1.9.2 linux/amd64
How to use
- you may at least input three args there are:
-sNumber , is the num of start page
-eNumber , is the num of end page
-inputFile , is the file you want to print - otehr args may be:
-l ,the num of the length of every page (default: 72)
-f ,means every page is devided by the '\f'
-dlpx ,means printing the output by the printer lpx
Because I didn't know how to write this code at the begginning, so I just imitated the source code selpg.c, So I didn't use so many functions, which may let you see some awful. So some details of the code will be not described here.
We can see the files in the project:
-the selpg.go is the source code.
-the outputx.txt is the file to output the pages
-the testx.txt is the "inputFile" I use
-the errorx.txt is the stderr that may be printed
Here are some command(I forgot to use the $GOPATH/bin)
