App Programming Guide for iOS &l

App Programming Guide for iOS &l

作者: 鋼鉄侠 | 来源:发表于2016-09-23 11:32 被阅读178次

    App Programming Guide for iOS翻译


    About iOS App Architecture

    译:关于iOS App架构

    Apps need to work with the iOS to ensure that they deliver a great user experience. Beyond just a good design for your app’s design and user interface, a great user experience encompasses many other factors. Users expect iOS apps to be fast and responsive while expecting the app to use as little power as possible. Apps need to support all of the latest iOS devices while still appearing as if the app was tailored for the current device. Implementing all of these behaviors can seem daunting at first but iOS provides the help you need to make it happen.

    译:确保运行在iOS系统上的App能提供给用户非常好的用户体验。不仅仅只为应用程序和UI设计,一个好的用户体验包含其他好几种因素。用户所期待的iOS App应该是快速响应且消耗更小的电量。App必须支持最新的iOS设备,即使是为现在的设备所定做的。应用程序需要支持所有最新的iOS设备同时出现,如果应用程序是针对当前的设备。实现所有这些行为起初似乎令人生畏,但iOS系统提供您所需要的帮助。


    This document highlights the core behaviors that make your app work well on iOS. You might not implement every feature described in this document but you should consider these features for every project you create.


    Note: Development of iOS apps requires an Intel-based Macintosh computer with the iOS SDK installed. For information about how to get the iOS SDK, go to the iOS Dev Center.

    不直译:iOS App开发需要一台IntelCPU的Mac,并且安装了Xcode。

    At a Glance


    When you are ready to take your ideas and turn them into an app, you need to understand the interactions that occur between the system and your app.


    Apps Are Expected to Support Key Features


    The system expects every app to have some specific resources and configuration data, such as an app icon and information about the capabilities of the app. Xcode provides some information with every new project but you must supply resource files and you must make sure the information in your project is correct before submitting your app.


    Relevant Chapter: Expected App Behaviors

    相关章节:Expected App Behaviors (应用程序行为期望)

    Apps Follow Well-Defined Execution Paths


    From the time the user launches an app to the time it quits, apps follow a well-defined execution path. During the life of an app, it can transition between foreground and background execution, it can be terminated and relaunched, and it can go to sleep temporarily. Each time it transitions to a new state, the expectations for the app change. A foreground app can do almost anything but background apps must do as little as possible. You use the state transitions to adjust your app’s behaviors accordingly.


    Relevant Chapter: The App Life Cycle, Strategies for Handling App State Transitions

    相关章节:The App Life Cycle, Strategies for Handling App State Transitions (App生命周期,处理App状态过渡的策略)

    Apps Must Run Efficiently in a Multitasking Environment


    Battery life is important for users, as is performance, responsiveness, and a great user experience. Minimizing your app’s usage of the battery ensures that the user can run your app all day without having to recharge the device, but launching and being ready to run quickly are also important. The iOS multitasking implementation offers good battery life without sacrificing the responsiveness and user experience that users expect, but the implementation requires apps to adopt system-provided behaviors.


    Relevant Chapters: Background Execution, Strategies for Handling App State Transitions

    相关章节:Background Execution, Strategies for Handling App State Transitions (后台执行,处理App状态过渡的策略)

    Communication Between Apps Follows Specific Pathways


    For security, iOS apps run in a sandbox and have limited interactions with other apps. When you want to communicate with other apps on the system, there are specific ways to do so.


    Relevant Chapter: Inter-App Communication

    相关章节:Inter-App Communication (App之间相互通讯)

    Performance Tuning is Important for Apps


    Every task performed by an app has a power cost associated with it. Apps that drain the user’s battery create a negative user experience and are more likely to be deleted than those that appear to run for days on a single charge. So be aware of the cost of different operations and take advantage of power-saving measures offered by the system.


    Relevant Chapter: Performance Tips

    相关章节:Performance Tips (性能优化技巧)

    How to Use This Document


    This document is not a beginner’s guide to creating iOS apps. It is for developers who are ready to polish their app before putting it in the App Store. Use this document as a guide to understanding how your app interacts with the system and what it must do to make those interactions happen smoothly.

    译:这个文档不是一个初学者创建iOS应用程序指南。这是为开发人员上传App到app Store之前的一系列改进。使用本文档作为了解应用程序与系统相互作用的指南,它指出了必须做些什么来实现这些交互更加顺畅。



    This document provides detailed information about iOS app architecture and shows you how to implement many app-level features. This book assumes that you have already installed the iOS SDK, configured your development environment, and understand the basics of creating and implementing an app in Xcode.

    译:本文档提供了iOS应用程序体系结构详细信息和向您展示如何实现应用程序水平的特性。这本书假设您已经安装了iOS SDK,配置开发环境,懂得在Xcode中基本创建和实现一个应用程序。

    If you are new to iOS app development, read Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift). That document offers a step-by-step introduction to the development process to help you get up to speed quickly. It also includes a hands-on tutorial that walks you through the app-creation process from start to finish, showing you how to create a simple app and get it running quickly.

    译:如果你是iOS应用程序开发者新手,请阅读Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift)。该文档提供了一个循序渐进的开发过程介绍来帮助你迅速成长,它还包括一个从头到尾创建一个app实践教程展示如何创建一个简单的App和让它快速运行。

    See Also


    If you are learning about iOS, read iOS Technology Overview to learn about the technologies and features you can incorporate into your iOS apps.

    译:如果你正在学习iOS开发,请阅读iOS Technology Overview文档,学习iOS相关技术和功能并添加到你的iOS应用程序中。



        本文标题:App Programming Guide for iOS &l
