Uncover your personal style to look and feel wonderful no matter what your day looks like!

You are more free to do good in the world when you feel good!
Personal style is about letting your inner light shine through, so your outward appearance matches who you are inside. Finding Your Personal Style isn’t complicated——It’s a way of simplifying fashion and beauty, so every step you take is with total energy and confidence.
Every woman expresses a unique quality of beauty. Some women are naturally cute and youthful, while others have more striking features. If you know which of the 4 Types of beauty you express, you can dress true to who you really are.
Type 1 women are bright and bubbly, with a youthful appearance and the ability to keep things light and fun. Their facial features are very animated with circles and points.They might appear to be random, but they have a gift for ideas and a natural optimism that these ideas will succeed!
Type 2 women are soft and subtle. Their movements are gentle and subdued, and they keep things flowing. These women are detail-oriented planners with a dominance of S curves in their facial features.
Type 3 women are confident and determined— if you are someone who loves to take action and follows through with projects, you might be a Type 3! These women have a tendency to “look before they leap,” jumping into action without all the details in place. Their features have a dominance of angles and are more chiseled, and their skin is textured.
Finally, Type 4 women are precise, bold, and constant. They have an innate ability to look at the big picture and see exactly what’s needed to perfect it. Type 4 women have smaller pores, which creates a porcelain quality to their skin, and sculpted facial features with a predominance of parallel lines.
If you want to know about your Type of beauty or Energy Profile, you’re not alone. Thousands of women have learned how to make their outer appearance match the amazing person they are inside.
That’s w$hat Finding Your Personal Style means, at its core: Discovering you.
of women age 30 to 60 dislike their current hairstyle.
SOURCE: American Salon
women feel overwhelmed with unhelpful fashion advice.
SOURCE: New York Times
of women view beautiful makeup as empowering.
SOURCE: Bustle
We know by now that you’re excited about Finding Your Personal Style, so read along or feel free to jump to the section that interests you most:
Hairstyles for Women
Looking Stylish
Budget-Friendly Style
Dressing for Your Body Shape
How to Decide What to Wear
Hairstyles for Women
Are you one of the 8 in 10 women who is unhappy with her current hair? That just means you haven’t found your perfect style yet. Don’t give up, even if you feel like you’ve tried many styles before. Every woman can find a beautiful, easy-to-create style that fits her Energy Profile and suits her Type of beauty. Hair transformations are happening every day for women of all ages.
In fact, it’s a myth that your hairstyle needs to age as you do – quite the opposite. Instead, seek out an anti-aging hairstyle that brings light to your face and suits your energy. If you choose to go grey, do it gracefully with a hair routine that focuses on building volume and complimenting your features.
Do you fit in one of these categories?
Recognizing your Type is even easier when you can see all 4 at a glance. This infographic shows you what each Type tends to appreciate, prioritize, worry about, and look like—side by side.

Sometimes you might struggle to decide whether to cut your hair short or grow it out long. Keep in mind that there is no perfect length of hair for a woman who’s 30, 40, 50 – or any age for that matter. Your hair length is more dependent on the nature of your body movement and what suits your shape and Type of beauty.
Examples of matching your hair to your Type of beauty:
*Chic highlights and a bouncier style suit a Type 1 woman like Robin.
*Create a gentler shape by carefully trimming a few inches, like Type 2 woman Lisa.
*Soft layers match the soft-but-powerful energy of a Type 2 woman like Gina.
*Pixie cuts are an anti-aging style that can suit a vibrant Type 3 woman like Susan.
*A mane of rocker curls with a careful cut can transform even a fashion-averse Type 3 woman like Cynra.
*A sleek bob with bangs can make a Type 4 woman like Sherri feel empowered.
*Voluminous texture created with hair care products can lift your look no matter your Type of beauty, according to style expert Nicole.
Your perfect hair is out there, and it’s never too late to find your ideal style!

What are my signature pieces? This is a very important question to answer. Some of these treasures are already tucked away inside your closet, and some of them are waiting to be discovered out in the world. Follow these steps to locate them:
1. Discover your Type of beauty. It’s the crucial first step.
2. Understand your Energy Profile, which will offer huge revelations about the color, style, and fit of the signature pieces you should seek out.
3. Use Color and Pattern guides to shop for clothes – both within your own closet and out in the world. Whenever you’re in doubt, stick to those guides, because they’ll always steer you right.
4. Shop by Type of beauty to Dress Your Truth and ensure every piece you select is a 100% guaranteed signature piece.
Now let’s take a moment to talk about stylish makeup, because makeup is very empowering. When your makeup feels right, your face feels right: It feels like YOU, refreshed for the world to see. Makeup should always bring you up, not down, and shouldn’t feel cakey or heavy.
A sophisticated makeup routine also doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming – It can be whittled down to mere minutes by highlighting your best features and using exactly the right products. Makeup is matched by Type of beauty and Energy Profile.
A Type 1 woman’s bright energy is a good fit for Fresh & Carefree makeup.
A Type 2 woman’s soft and gentle energy feels like Effortless Elegance.
A Type 3 woman’s dynamic energy is enhanced by Glam Up & Go makeup.
A Type 4 woman’s reflective, bold, or grounded strength keeps her Poised and Polished.
Maintaining a consistent day-to-day style in your wardrobe and makeup doesn’t just help you look stylish; it allows you to focus on what’s truly important: your gifts and what you have to offer the world. Putting a solid plan in place for any day, come what may, frees you to spend your energy on the things you love.

How to sort your closet on a budget?
1. Remove uncomfortable clothing that has never felt right to you – because it never will! If you haven’t worn it in the last year, chances are good that you’re not going to wear it later.
2. Mix and match the remaining clothing to find new combos, using your Color and Pattern Guides to ensure everything matches your Type of beauty.
3. If you get stuck, play Boggle with your closet by viewing your clothing in unexpected and fun new ways.
4. Dye clothing new colors if you like the fit but the color isn’t right. You might fall in love with a piece that’s been languishing in the back of your closet!
5. Don’t resort to black clothing and shoes simply because it’s the easiest choice. Black can be an energy-draining non-color that leaves you feeling washed out.
6. Donate your excess clothing to charity or offer it to a friend who’s also exploring her own Type of beauty and finding her signature pieces. That’s a win-win for your budget and your friendship.
7. Host a clothing swap with friends who are eager to revamp their closets as well. After all, one woman’s “meh” piece could become a key piece of your wardrobe!
After sorting your closet, you’re ready to add new clothing items to the mix. Whenever you shop, stick to your Color and Pattern Guides to shop more effectively. It’s a cheat sheet for getting it right every time!
You are the most important project in your life. Ensure everything you buy is something you’ll love to wear in the long term, not something that drains your energy or bank account.
Budget-friendly tip: You can create a high-style wardrobe with a small number of items – fewer than 30, including shoes. Now that’s budget-friendly!
