Move with the cheese and enjoy i

Move with the cheese and enjoy i

作者: 忙碌中 | 来源:发表于2018-12-30 00:58 被阅读14次

    Move with the cheese and enjoy it

    你永远不会知道什么地点什么时刻就会遇到改变你一生的一件事或者一本书。就像我今天看到的这本《谁动了我的奶酪》Who moved my cheese一样,也像变化一样,你不确定它会什么时候到来,其实它一直都在,只有你做好准备,用勇敢的心去面对,那样你才能更加从容。

    这是我读的第一本纯英文书,用时4小时26分。圣诞寒假,在uptown 的图书馆猫着,外面飘着从早一直在下的雪,来着大姨妈,喝着保温杯里的红糖水,内心满满的喜悦感。写这篇读后感的时候,其实图书馆已经关门,我坐在一楼室内的喷泉旁边,水的声音让我不想再去听歌。读这本书的时候按照透析方法记下了每两页找到的一个英文单词,并且记录了很多的优美句子。但是更多的是我关于本书内容的触动吧。

    who moved my cheese

    书中的主人公4个:2只老鼠Sniff Scurry 2 个little people Hem ,Haw.但是确代表了不同的四个性格。不知道你会是哪种性格的呢?我想很多时候我相识scurry ,会听话照做。但是在这之前我也有Haw 的特征,我敢于接受挑战,并且快速调整。你呢?

    The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.说起变化,可能大家都会避之不谈,尤其是在工作中的一些老人,呆在舒适区太长时间,一旦有变化就会让他们不停抱怨,而且会联合同伴的力量一起抵抗,给企业的变革造成很大的负担。在读这个故事的时候我就特别感同身受到为什么老东家——一个产品100多年历史之久的公司在4年前提出了拥抱变化,这和书中讲到的话语和发放如出一辙,就好似决策成看了这本书之后才制定了计划。我也能清楚的记得拥抱变化的口号提出之后公司进行大的变革,政策调整、财务收缩、裁员,大家都很惶恐,很多人都在抵制,可是在大的趋势下我们仍然能看到积极鲜活的群体撑起了大半边天。那些不去接受变化的人,最终只能选择离开。而如今看来,经受变化,并且调整心态积极融入的人就像Ham那样,现在的工作如日中天。面对变化还有一些人会犹豫不决,非得等到不得不的时候才开始勉强接受,可是如果经常保持一颗接受变化的心,在事情已经变化,所有结果还可以被简单扭转的时候为什么非等到带来巨大损失之后才去弥补呢?一切要趁早。

    What would you do if you weren't afraid

    When you stop being afraid, you feel good.有时候我们发现了变化,是的,我们想去改变,但是确没有胆量,我们会和自己对话,问自己在担心什么,问自己最坏的结果是什么。然后始终不愿意离开舒适区,可是变化已经在那里,一味像hem 那样等在那里,不接受变化,觉得谁动了自己的利益?不应该啊,那就是我的,凭什么没有了?我就要一直等。这样的人不就像是个巨婴么?最终只会饿死自己。可是,亲爱的,当你决定去改变的时候,你可以问问自己what would you do if you weren’t afraid?,再想一想这些恐惧最坏的结果。之前看过一个测试,让一群人把自己心里担忧的糟糕的事情都写下来,过了一段时间当事情发生过后,人们对比才发现,他们担心的事情并没有发生,而发生的事情并没有他们想象中的糟糕. What you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine.所以,很多时候我们不要总给自己的心理设限,觉得未来渺茫,充满阻挠,是的未来可能是黑暗的,但是那只是因为你看不到前面的光明和平坦,所以猜测。而往往当你克服恐惧走出去之后你会发现机会就在那里等你。像haw 一样,他想起了自己原来是多么快乐,那时他一直在找寻cheese的路上,虽然有碰壁,但是寻找的过程总是让他很开心。可是有了吃不完的cheese之后他就停止找寻,然后就忘记了最初的快乐。你可以回想自己初心,不忘初心,方得始终。当你不再害怕,你就会心里有方向,专一去做一件事,那种感觉给你带来的动力,是无穷的。所以深呼吸,大胆向前走吧。

    Imagining yourself enjoying your new cheese Leads you to it.当读到haw 想象自己周围有吃不完的各种好吃的,想象自己未来的美好时,我分明感受到这就是在时间管理课程中老师讲到的愿景啊,在帮助我们圆梦的课程中,老师让我们想象实现梦想的那一刻,越具体越好,越有画面感越好。比如我在跑马拉松的时候,坚持不下去,想要放弃的时候,就在想到达终点之后我可以完美得秀朋友圈,我完成了挑战。我可以吃很多的好吃的,可以被朋友家人夸赞,可以……让愿景来引领我们前进,这就是梦想成真吧。



    The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese.

    1\ Having cheese makes you happy

    2\The more important your cheese is to you ,the more you want to hold on to it

    3\Ife you do not change, you can become extinct.

    4\ what would you do if you weren’t afraid?

    5\Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.

    6\Movement in a new direction helps you find new cheese.

    7\When you stop being afraid, you feel good.

    8/Imagining yourself enjoying your new cheese Leads you to it.

    9\The quicker you let go of old chesse, the sooner you find new cheese.

    10\It is safer to search in the Maze, Than remain in a cheeseless situation

    11\ old beliefs do not lead you to new cheese.

    12\when you see that you can find and enjoy new cheese, you chage course

    13\ Noticing small chages early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that are to come.


    Change happens: to keep moving the cheese

    Anticipate change: get ready for the cheese to move

    Monitor change: Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old

    Adapt to change quickly: The quicker you let go old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new cheese

    Change: Move with the Cheese

    Enjoy change: savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese

    Be ready to change quickly and enjoy it again& again: They keep moving the cheese

    P39 They didn’t think of anything else but finding new cheese.

    P45 sometimes, Hem, things change and they are never the same again. This looks like one of those tomes. That’s life! Life moves on. And so should we.

    P49 He knew sometimes some fear can be good ,when you are afraid things are going to get worse if you don’t do something. It can prompt you into action .Bute it is not good when you are so afraid that it keeps you from doing anything.

    P55 But he was discovering what nourished his soul.

    P57 The more clearly he saw the image of himself enjoying new Cheeses, the more real and believable it become. He could sense that he was ging to find it. Imaging yourself enjoying your new cheese. Leads you to it.

    P60 The Quicker you let go of old cheese. The sooner you find new cheese. 

    P61 Just realizing he was not letting his fear stop him, and knowing that he had taken a new direction, nourished him and gave him strength.

    P63 What you are afraid of is never as bad as what you imagine. The fear you let build up in your mind is worse that the situation that actually exists.

    P63 It was natural for change to continually occur, whether you except it or not. 

     His old thinking had been clouded by his worries and fears.

    P65 when you change what you believe, you change what you do. 

    You can believe that finding new cheese will help you and embrace the change.

    P68 Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that are to come.

    P70 The fasest way to change is to laugh at your own folly_then you can let go and quickly move one.

    P71 He reflected on the mistakes he had made in the past and used them to plan for his future.

    P71 He needed to adapt faster, for if you do not adapt in time, you might as will not adapt at all.

    He had to admit that the biggest inhibitor to change lies within yourself, and that nothing gets better until you change.

    Hem had to find his own way, beyond his comforts and past his fears . No one else could do it for him or talk him into it.

    He knew it was safer to be aware of his real choices than to isolate himself in his comfort zone.

    P80 How many here are afraid of change? How about a show of hands?

    How many here think other people are afraid of change?

    P82 It’s not just that they moved the cheese but that the “cheese”has a lift of its own and eventually runs out. Competitor technological change.

    P88 the new cheese is a new relationship with the same person. Repeating the same behavior will just get you the same results.

    P89 Instead of changing job, I should be changing the way I am doing my job.

    P91 A change imposed is a change opposed.

    P92 After they got past their fear. They told me the best thing was realizing that there was new cheese out there just warning to be found.

    P18 Everyone knows that not all changes is good or even necessary. But in a world that is constantly changing. It is our advantage to learn how to adapt and enjoy something better.

    Move with the cheese.



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