

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2019-02-19 19:23 被阅读1次


    For the first time in 94 years, Beijing's Forbidden City to open at night

    A rare opportunity for those who have long dreamed of watching illuminated lanterns dancing across night skies in the stunning historic setting of Beijing's Forbidden City.


    表示“灯火通明的;照亮的;发光的”,英文解释为“Something that is illuminated is lit up, usually by electric lighting.”如:an illuminated sign 一个灯光闪烁的招牌。


    1)表示“极具吸引力的,极漂亮的”,英文解释为“extremely attractive or beautiful”,如:a stunning view 极为美丽的景色。

    2)表示“令人惊奇的;令人震惊的”,英文解释为“very surprising or shocking”,如:stunning news 令人震惊的新闻。

    For the first time in 94 years. China's Palace Museum, commonly known as the Forbidden City, will open its doors to the public after dark -- but for two nights only.

    紫禁城 the Forbidden City

    故宫博物院 the Palace Museum

    The special event, taking place February 19-20, will form part of Beijing's Lantern Festival celebration, which marks the end of the Lunar New Year holiday.

    The Forbidden City normally closes to tourists at around 4:30 p.m. in the winter and 5 p.m. in the summer. Until today, few -- save for VIP state guests, such as President Trump in 2017 -- have been granted the privilege of seeing this incredible landmark at night.


    表示“(为某人)保留”,英文解释为“to stop people from using something so that it is available for someone else举个🌰:

    We'll save some dinner for you if you're late.



    表示“给予,准予”,英文解释为“to give someone something or allow them to have something that they have asked for”举个🌰:

    Single parents tend to grant more independence to their children than other parents do.



    take it for granted (that)表示“想当然地认为,认为…是理所当然”(to believe that something is true without making sure)举个🌰:

    He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam.


    Completed in 1420, the Forbidden City was the home of emperors and served as the political center of China for over 500 years. Back in the day, celebrating the Lantern Festival in the Forbidden City was a tradition reserved for Imperial families.


    对比上文的save,此处reserve表示“(为某个人或某种用途)保留,留出”,英文解释为“to keep something so that it can be used by a particular person or for a particular purpose”,如:reserved parking spaces 预留的停车位,举个🌰:

    A separate room is reserved for smokers.


    But concerns about protecting the landmark's ancient architecture -- which is mostly made of wood -- from fire hazards arose and the tradition died out.


    表示“危险;隐患”,英文解释为“something that may be dangerous, or cause accidents or problems”,如:health/safety hazard 健康威胁/安全隐患,举个🌰:

    That pile of rubbish is a fire hazard (= something that is likely to cause a fire ).


    Festival organizers planning this year's Lantern Festival event are using LED lights rather than traditional paper lanterns and red candles, reports local media.

    With the museum being a cultural icon featured countless times in Chinese TV series and novels, news of the evening visits led some enthusiastic fans to let their imaginations run wild.

    run wild

    表示“放肆,撒野,肆意胡闹”,英文解释为“If someone, often a child, runs wild, that person behaves as they want to without being controlled by anyone.

    "I wonder if people will come across exciting ghostly shadows on the ancient walls." one person jokingly wrote on Weibo.

    Tickets for the tour -- which were available free online -- were snapped up almost immediately. The Palace Museum's official website temporarily crashed at midnight on Sunday due to the overload of visits.

    snap up

    表示“(尤因十分便宜)把…赶快买下,抢购”,英文解释为“to buy something immediately, especially because it is very cheap举个🌰:

    People were snapping up bargains.


    Only certain sections of the Forbidden City will be open to the public during the nighttime tour. These include the Meridian Gate exhibition hall, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the East Wall and the Gate of Divine Might.

    the Meridian Gate exhibition hall午门展厅

    the Gate of Supreme Harmony 太和门

    the East Wall 东城墙、

    the Gate of Divine Might 神武门

    There will be lantern shows and symphony orchestra performances to enjoy, while ancient Chinese paintings will be projected onto building roofs.

    symphony orchestra

    表示“交响乐团”,英文解释为“A symphony orchestra is a large orchestra that plays classical music.



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