
作者: 过载 | 来源:发表于2017-08-26 14:28 被阅读0次

Yesterday evening the template Report, struggled for a long time, ends up without saving data. I feel very frustrated. But I can't give you nothing, although all my reports are rubbish. Because you know even more about the progress of code among these four people .

There is a saying goes that,  “Rules are made by the pioneers for later generations” . I met some old bully employees,I suffer the pressure of being compared. Under this surroundings, if I can’t follow my heart,  I would think I was wasting my time in front of the computer.There are all kinds of templates in the company ‘One who tries not to offend anybody’, I'll never do the most standard one. Always follow the template, not the convenience of the introvert, I can't be myself anymore.

In order to save time, but also to make up for defects that have no report:

Hi, Biao! This is my daily report for my group:

Yesterday they tried to solve the problem with tag on Wiki,trying producing codes on the basis of someone else's“template codes”. Now they are proficiency in controlling the background refresh techniques and setting the clock.How could they fail to finish if someone is So diligent like them?

Today, they will practicesort and display function, try tosort by ID or Name or Code. They had taught by Mei just now. We will wait and see what will happen.




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