Failure is not a prerequisite for success. Contrast that with learning from your successes. Success gives your real ammunition.
contrast /'kɑntræst/ v. 对比,对照 contrast 在句中作动词,重音在前面!!!重要的事情说三遍。
Eric老师在晨读中指说这个低级错误,我是混水摸鱼中的一个。如果不是 Eric 老师在反馈中提醒,我完全没有印象了。到了晚上翻自己昨天的作业录音来听,由于作业完全是跟着 Eric老师的录音不断模仿后上交了,所以我只是蒙过了,而已。
No time is no excuse
There's always enough time if you spend it right. And don't think you have to quit your day job, either. Hang onto it and start work on your project at night.
It used to be my excuses and I had quit my job for an exam, and I failed. So, what I can do now is squeezing out a little more time in the morning or after work.
If you constantly fret out timing things perfectly, they'll never happen.
fret out = worry bout
timing things perfectly / perfect time / perfect timing