1. tinker with 小改
2.kowtow to sb 对某人卑躬屈膝
3. be on call等电话
1. tinker with 小改 2.kowtow to sb 对某人卑躬屈膝 3. be on call等电话
Slang of the Day ?queeny Meaning:effeminate ❕For example:...
Slang of the Day ?nod outAmerican and Australian English ...
1.Arvo下午Afternoon 2.barbie户外烧烤 3.bickie biscuit or cookie...
1. stocking stuffers 2. keep me on my toes(让某人保持警觉) 3.hol...
1. pushover(容易说话的人;容易做的事情) 2. on the edge(。。边缘;崩溃) 3.star...
1. inside track(有利的地位) 2. make no bones about sth(直言不讳;开诚...
1. nine out of ten times(大多数时) 2.change my mind(改变主意) 3.t...
1. my hat' off to you 对你表示敬意 2.brouhaha(喧闹) 3.hoopla(大肆宣传...
1. be/get carried away 小题大做了 2. good off 混日子 3. my dogs a...
本文标题:2.18 Slang