第 2 章 下一代构建工具:Gradle

第 2 章 下一代构建工具:Gradle

作者: 南北东西总相随 | 来源:发表于2017-10-08 12:29 被阅读0次

    第 2 章 下一代构建工具:Gradle

    2.5 开始使用 Gradle

    每个 Gradle 构建都是以一个脚本开始的。Gradle 构建脚本默认的名字是 build.gradle

    task helloWorld {
        doLast {
            println "Hello World"

    使用左移符号 << 代表 doLast

    task helloWorld << {
        println "Hello World"


    $ gradle -q helloworld
    Hello World

    清单 2.1 动态任务定义和任务链

    task startSession << {
    def chant() {
        ant.echo 'Repeat after me...'
    3.times { counter ->
        task "yayGradle$counter" << {
            println 'Gradle rocks'
    yayGradle0.dependsOn startSession
    yayGradle2.dependsOn yayGradle1, yayGradle0
    task groupTherapy(dependsOn: yayGradle2)


    $ gradle groupTherapy
    [ant:echo] Repeat after me...
    Gradle rocks
    Gradle rocks
    Gradle rocks

    2.6 使用 Gradle 的命令行

    2.6.1 列出项目中所有可用的 task

    Gradle 提供了任务组的概念,你可以把它看作是多个 task 的集群。如果某个 task 不属于一个任务组,那么它就会显示在 Other tasks 中。

    $ gradle -q tasks
    All tasks runnable from root project
    Build Setup tasks
    setupBuild - Initializes a new Gradle build. [incubating]
    wrapper - Generates Gradle wrapper files. [incubating]
    Help tasks
    dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific dependency in root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    help - Displays a help message
    projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    properties - Displays the properties of root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    Other tasks

    使用 --all 选项获得关于 task 的更多信息

    $ gradle -q tasks --all
    All tasks runnable from root project
    Build Setup tasks
    setupBuild - Initializes a new Gradle build. [incubating]
    wrapper - Generates Gradle wrapper files. [incubating]
    Help tasks
    dependencies - Displays all dependencies declared in root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    dependencyInsight - Displays the insight into a specific dependency in root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    help - Displays a help message
    projects - Displays the sub-projects of root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    properties - Displays the properties of root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    tasks - Displays the tasks runnable from root project 'listing_02_01-dynamic-task-and-task-dependencies'.
    Other tasks
    groupTherapy # 依赖关系图

    2.6.2 任务执行


    $ gradle yayGradle0 groupTherapy
    [ant:echo] Repeat after me...
    Gradle rocks
    Gradle rocks
    Gradle rocks


    排除了任务 yayGradle0 和它的依赖任务 startSession

    $ gradle groupTherapy -x yayGradle0
    Gradle rocks
    Gradle rocks

    2.6.3 命令行选项

    $ gradle -h
    USAGE: gradle [option...] [task...]
    -?, -h, --help          Shows this help message.
    -b, --build-file        Specifies the build file.
    -D, --system-prop       Set system property of the JVM (e.g. -Dmyprop=myvalue).
    -i, --info              Set log level to info.
    --offline               The build should operate without accessing network resources.
    -P, --project-prop      Set project property for the build script (e.g. -Pmyprop=myvalue).
    -q, --quiet             Log errors only.
    -s, --stacktrace        Print out the stacktrace for all exceptions.
    -v, --version           Print version info.
    -x, --exclude-task      Specify a task to be excluded from execution.

    2.6.4 Gradle 守护进程

    每次初始化一个构建时,JVM 都要启动一次,Gradle 的依赖要载入到类加载器中,还要建立项目对象模型。这个过程需要花上好几秒钟。Gradle 守护进程是这个问题的救星!

    守护进程以后台进程方式运行 Gradle。一旦启动,gradle 命令就会在后续的构建中重用之前创建的守护进程,以避免启动时造成的开销。

    守护进程会在 3 小时空闲时间之后自动过期。

    $ gradle groupTherapy --daemon
    # 第一次运行的时间
    Total time: 4.219 secs
    $ gradle groupTherapy --daemon
    # 第二次运行的时间
    Total time: 1.061 secs
    --daemon                Uses the Gradle daemon to run the build. Starts the daemon if not running.
    --no-daemon             Do not use the Gradle daemon to run the build.
    --stop                  Stops the Gradle daemon if it is running.



          本文标题:第 2 章 下一代构建工具:Gradle
