Spring Security Core - 系列课程《1/15

Spring Security Core - 系列课程《1/15

作者: datazhen | 来源:发表于2020-09-13 13:54 被阅读0次

Spring Security Core - 系列课程《一》- 目录

1. Secure a Simple Spring MVC Application
  1. Intro to Spring Security
  2. A Basic Security Java Config
  3. URL Authorization
  4. Building a Login Form
  5. Implementing Logout
  6. Anonymous “Authentication”
2. A Full Registration Flow
  1. A Simple Registration Flow
  2. Authentication using Real Users
  3. Activate a New Account via Email
  4. Deal with “I forgot my password”
  5. Do Security Questions Right
  6. Ensure Password Strength during Registration
3. Remember Me
  1. A Simple Remember Me Flow
  2. Remember Me with Cookie
  3. Remember Me with Persistence
4. Spring Security on the Client
  1. Spring Security JSP tags
  2. The Authentication Tag and Displaying the Current User
  3. Spring Security with Thymeleaf
  4. The Authorize Tag
5. Spring Security Expressions
  1. By URL Authorization with Expressions
  2. On-method Authorization with Expressions
  3. In-page URL Authorization with Expressions
  4. Programmatic Expressions and a custom PermissionEvaluator
6. Password Storage
  1. Introduction to Storing Passwords
  2. Hashing Passwords (MD5 and SHA-256)
  3. Why Hashing Isn't Enough - Using Salts
  4. Key Stretching
  5. The bcrypt Solution
7. Spring Security Configuration
  1. Breaking Down the Authentication Flow
  2. Run As a Different User
  3. The Security Context
  4. Configure the Filter Chain
8. Advanced Authentication
  1. A Custom Authentication Provider
  2. Multiple Providers and the Authentication Manager
  3. In-Memory, JDBC and Hibernate/JPA User Storage
  4. Tracking Logged-in Users
9. Advanced Authorization
  1. How Authorization Works
  2. The Topology of Roles and Privileges
  3. Secure Method Invocations with AOP
  4. A Custom AccessDecisionVoter
10. Basic REST API Security
  1. The Basics of API Security
  2. Basic and Digest Authentication in the API
  3. Certificates and HTTPS for Tomcat
11. ACL with Spring Security
  1. Introduction ACL and Domain Object Security
  2. The Data Structure of ACL
  3. ACL with Spring Security
12. Two-Factor Authentication
  1. A Simple Two-Factor Implementation with a Soft Token
  2. A Two-Factor Implementation with SMS
13. Advanced Security Scenarios
  1. Spring Security for a non-Spring Application
  2. Multi-Tenancy with Spring Security
  3. Session Management with spring-session
  4. Spring Security with LDAP
  5. SAML with Spring Security
  6. CAS Authentication and SSO
14. Reactive Security
  1. A Basic Reactive Security Example
  2. Reactive Method Security
  3. WebFlux Form Login
  4. WebTestClient Security Support



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