甘比英文拓展写作- 描述动物-墨殷

甘比英文拓展写作- 描述动物-墨殷

作者: 墨殷 | 来源:发表于2017-01-19 21:40 被阅读0次

    In this candid photograph, the a cheetah is chasing an antelope with a very high speed. Leggy Lone legs and flexible spine help the cheetah cover a long stride.  Using its long and brawny tail as rudders to keep balance while attack the its prey.

    Different with leopards, cheetahs have two long lines eyes, the eyes are thin. Near the eyes, two tear-stained black marks from the eyes to the month is a symbolic feature of cheetahs. Black wide nostrils could let them smell the prey far away. There are less spots on its smaller cat-like head.

    Small and aerodynamic stature made them more suitable for running, especially short run with a high speed. Long and lean legs combine with sharp claws are easier to gripe the ground and hunt animals.People could esaily separate cheatahs with leopards by its round and dark color spots, rather than ragged-edge shape like a flower. 



          本文标题:甘比英文拓展写作- 描述动物-墨殷
