词为我用 - drudgery

词为我用 - drudgery

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-02-21 21:28 被阅读0次


    drudgery UK  /ˈdrʌdʒ.ər.i/ US  /ˈdrʌdʒ.ɚ.i/TEM8IELTS    GRE

    noun, You use drudgery to refer to jobs and tasks which are boring or unpleasant but which must be done.单调乏味的苦差事,无聊的工作


    1. It was literally my one chance to express myself or to resign myself to a life of drudgery in a factory.(The Guardian)

    2. All the pledges and debates and drudgery all over again, but this time underlined by an inescapable sense of resignation.(The Guardian)

    3. Hopcraft was scathing about "that piece of nonsense trotted out mindlessly by the fearful every now and again which pleads: 'After all, it's only a game.' It had not been 'only a game' for 80 years; not since the working classes saw in it an escape route out of drudgery and claimed it as their own".(The Guardian)

    4. I don't seek inspiration, and my work is also not a horrible drudgery.(The Guardian)

    5. This allowed him to bound over the time-serving drudgery that bothered most people in public life".(The Guardian)

    6. The idealistic movement, springing from William Morris, that hoped to remove ordinary people from urban drudgery and give them gardens, clean air and pleasant, picturesque surroundings didn't stay idealised for long.(The Guardian - Opinion)

    7. Among all the drudgery, it comes down to this: a group of people who love what they do.(The Guardian)

    8. It is drudgery, but it brings cash, and the chance of something better, either abroad or at home.(The Economist)

    9. To roll all of this back, Republicans will have to set aside the exciting, romantic, vox clamantis thrill of noble failure, and get about the boring drudgery of actually winning elections and not just in gerrymandered districts, but nationally.(The Economist)

    10. At least such work brings in more money than similar drudgery at home. Special report Cheer up The accidental government Spy games So much to do A country to run from Prickly to a fault Acknowledgments and sources Reprints Related items Poland's new government: The trouble with PolandMay 11th 2006The numbers working abroad are huge, even for a country with nearly 40m people.(The Economist)

    11. Whizzy cars and ever more time-saving tools and appliances guaranteed more speed and less drudgery in all parts of life.(The Economist)


    horrible, boring, out of, drudgery


    "the labor of a drudge; ignoble, spiritless toil," 1540s, from drudge (v.) + -ery.


    fatigue, grind, labor, moil, slavery, sweat, toil, travail


    fun, play

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          本文标题:词为我用 - drudgery
