This nascent coffee brand has gone completely viral and is said to rival Starbucks. 《纽约时报》在写 Karl Lagerfeld 的讣告中就用到了 rival:
…his output as a designer was rivaled only by his outpourings as a master of the telling aphorism.(这段话想说的唯一能和他设计成就相媲美的就是他那源源不断的金句,这里的 be rivaled by 就相当于 be equal to)。
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
1)翻译下面的句子: 有些家常菜可以和米其林星级餐厅的佳肴媲美。 (参考翻译:Some home-cooked dishes can rival the cuisine served at a Michelin-starred restaurant.)