Hbr 2016.11.18

Hbr 2016.11.18

作者: paro | 来源:发表于2016-11-18 12:15 被阅读0次

1. What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class

American politics is largely driven by class, in which the White Working Class pervades. Therefore to win the hearts of Americans, five points need to be considered.

1.The Middle Class, who represents 75% of the entire population, longs for stable jobs and they are comfortable in staying their social milieu.

2.Taxing the Middle Class to help the poor will cause resentments of the poor.

3.Class Division translates into urben-rural divide.

4.Securing middle-class jobs and economic developments outtrump other agenda.

5.Avoid writing-off Blue-Collar resentment as racism.

2. Three Ways to Better Understand Your Emotions

Dealing effectively with emotions is a key leadership skill. Labeling emotions correctly help identify and address the issues.

There are three ways to accurately acknowledge one’s emotions:

1.Broaden one’s emotion vocabulary to help set his intentions behind the words.

2.Consider the intensity of the emotion and a variety of flavours.

3.Writing down the emotionally-charged events help organize one’s thoughts in a logical way.

Sometimes it costs more if we wrongly recognize the problems.


  • Hbr 2016.11.18

    1. What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working C...

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      本文标题:Hbr 2016.11.18
