The Thirty-first Annual Alfred T

The Thirty-first Annual Alfred T

作者: 高梵1991 | 来源:发表于2020-03-08 22:41 被阅读0次
The Thirty-first Annual Alfred Tarski Lectures

Thomas Hales

Andrew Mellon Professor of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh


A formal proof of the Kepler conjecture

The Kepler Conjecture asserts that no packing of congruent balls in three-dimensional Euclidean space can have density greater than that of the face-centered cubic packing. This talk will describe the history and proof of the conjecture, including early attempts to reduce the problem to a finite calculation, controversy surrounding claimed proofs, the announcement of a proof by Sam Ferguson and me more than 20 years ago, and finally a formal proof of the Kepler conjecture in the HOL Light proof assistant in 2014.

Formalizing mathematics

This talk will describe a broad long-term research program to make formal proofs in mathematics a practical reality. A formal proof is a mathematical proof that has been checked exhaustively by computer, on the basis of the fundamental axioms of mathematics and the primitive inference rules of logic. The field has progressed to the point that it is now possible to give formal proofs of major theorems in mathematics.

Integrating with Logic

In 1995, Kontsevich introduced a new form of integration, call motivic integration. From the start, the development of motivic integration has been guided by model theory, especially quantifier elimination. One particularly useful result has been a far-reaching generalization of the Ax-Kochen-Ersov transfer principle in logic to integration. This talk will give a gentle introduction to motivic integration and will highlight some applications to the Langlands program.

2018 - Hugh Woodin


Ultimate L

The HOD Dichotomy

The Ultimate L Conjecture

2017 - Lou van den Dries

研究领域:代数模型论(application of model theory in algebra)

Model Theory as a Geography of Mathematics

Orders of Infinity and Transseries

Model Theory of Transseries: Results and Open Problems

2016 - William W. Tait

On Skepticism about the Ideal

Cut-Elimination for Subsystems of Classical Second-Order Number Theory: The Predicative Case

Cut-Elimination for Subsystems of Classical Second-Order Number Theory: Cut-Elimination for Π^1_1−CA with the ω-Rule—and Beyond(?)

2015 - Julia Knight

Relationship between computability and definability in familiar kinds of mathematical structures

Computability and complexity of mathematical structures

Comparing classes of countable structures

Computability and complexity of uncountable structures

2014 - Stevo Todorcevic

The Measurability Problem for Boolean Algebras

Chain-conditions of Horn-Tarski

Combinatorial and Set-theoretic Forcing

2013 - Jonathan Pila


Rational Points of Definable Sets and Diophantine Problems

Special Points and Ax-Lindemann

The Zilber-Pink Conjecture

2012 - Per Martin-Löf


Assertion and Inference

Propositions, Truth and Consequence

Tarski’s Metamathematical Reconstruction of the Notions of Truth and Logical Consequence

2011 - Johan van Benthem


General Lecture: Exploring Logical Dynamics

Logic and Computation: Fine-structure and Invariance

Logic in Games

2010 - Gregory Hjorth


The Theory of Borel Equivalence Relations in Modern Set Theory

Cardinality and Equivalence Relations

Classification Problems in Mathematics

Borel Equivalence Relations: Dichotomy Theorems and Structure

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2009 - Anand Pillay


Compact Space, Definability, and Measures, in Model Theory

The Logic Topology

Lie Groups from Nonstandard Models

Measures and Domination

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2008 - Yiannis N. Moschovakis

描述集合论,foundation of computer science

Lectures on the Foundations of the Theory of Algorithms

Algorithms and Implementations

English as a Programming Language

The Axiomatic Derivation of Absolute Lower Bounds

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2007 - Harvey M. Friedman


Interpretations of Set Theory in Discrete Mathematics and Informal Thinking

Interpretations, According to Tarski.

Interpreting Set Theory in Discrete Mathematics: Boolean Relation Theory.

Interpreting Set Theory in Informal Thinking: Concept Calculus.

2006 - Solomon Feferman

Truth Unbound

The “Logic” Question

Real Computation

2005 - Zlil Sela

The Elementary Theory of a Free Group

Varieties Over Free Groups

AE Sentences and Quantifier Elimination

2004 - Alexander S. Kechris

New Connections Between Logic, Ramsey Theory, and Topological Dynamics

2003 - Ralph Nelson McKenzie

What is general algebra? (Three lectures)

2002 - Boris Zilber

Dimensions and homogeneity in mathematical structures

The fundamental trichotomy of Geometric Stability Theory, Zariski structures and Diophantine geometry

Pseudo-analytic structures and transcendental Number Theory

2001 - Ronald Jensen

On the Philosophical Foundations of Set Theory

Making cardinals w-Cofinal (Part 1)

Making cardinals w-Cofinal (Part 2)

2000 - Alexander Razborov

Complexity of Proofs and Computations

Interactive and Probabilistically Checkable proofs: A New Paradigm

Algebraic Proof Systems

1999 - Patrick Suppes

Invariance and Meaning

A Physical Model of the Brain’s Computation of Truth

1998 - Angus MacIntyre

Finite Fields and Model Theory

Nonstandard Frobenius Automorphisms

Logic and Intersection Theory

1997 - Menachem Magidor

The Future of Set Theory: Is Gödel’s Program Still Alive?

1996 - Ehud Hrushovski

Interpretations and Geometries

An Application to Diophantine Geometry

1995 - Hilary Putnam

PARADOX LOST? Truth and Hierachies

PARADOX LOST? Sets: Must It Be All or Nothing?

1994 - Michael O. Rabin

Trees, Decidability, and the Logic of Programs

The Truth and Nothing But the Truth: Zero Knowledge Proofs and User Authentication

1993 - Alec James Wilkie

On the Theory of the Real Field with Exponentiation and Other Analytic Functions

1992 - Donald A. Martin

Large Cardinals, Determinacy and the Role of Non-demonstrative

Evidence in Mathematics

1991 - Bjarni Jónsson

Boolean Algebras with Operators

1991 - H. Jerome Keisler

Model-Theoretic Forcing in Analysis

1990 - Willard Van Orman Quine

Reflections on Models and Logical Truth

1989 - Dana Stewart Scott

Wherein Lies the Foundations of Mathematics?

How Far Do We Need to Automate Proofs?

Can We Teach Geometry on the Computer?



      本文标题:The Thirty-first Annual Alfred T
