Day 3: Channel Header Image
Teaching: The first impression any new viewer will have of your channel is from the
教学: 任何新观众对你的频道的第一印象是来自
header image. It's easily skiable and will subconsciously communicate a lot about you
头部图像。 它很容易跳过,并且潜意识里会传达很多关于你的事情
and your channel in one glance. Since it's at the top of the page and is the first thing
一眼就能看到你的频道。 因为它位于页面的顶端,是第一件事
everyone looks at, it must be the first tool used to draw the viewer in to your channel.
That means using the image to intentionally and clearly tell viewers what your channel is
all about and, most importantly, tease the value proposition. Showing off your cool
最重要的是挑逗价值主张。 炫耀你的酷
artwork and design skills is fine and all, but if it doesn't reinforce the message of your
channel, who it's for, and why it's valuable, then it may actually work against you.
Conversely, 'rf you don't have any image editing tools nor skills, a poorly designed header
image may actually work against you, too, even if it contains all the proper messaging.
Remember this: good design =perceived credibility. You don't have to necessarily pay a
记住: 好的设计会让人觉得可信。 你不一定要支付一个
designer to do it, but if you're going to invest a little money into your channel, this is
where I'd spend it first, even before that camera upgrade. Give the designer some
我会先花在哪里,甚至在摄像机升级之前。 给设计师一些
direction, including the channel's value proposition and any a branding that should be
� Evaluate your current channel header image. What does it communicate to a first-
评估你当前的信道头 imag 。它与一个第一次交流的人交流什么
time viewer of your channel both by its design and messaging?
� Draft a few ideas for how it could more clearly communicate what your channel is
all about, what value it proposes to offer to the viewer, and how it will address its
target audience.
� This page from YouTube includes all the information you'll need to create your
这个来自 YouTube 的页面包含了创建 yo 所需要的所有信息
channel header image, including dimension sizes, how it scales across devices, a
downloadable Photoshop template, and more.
� I discuss the header image a bit in this video on the ReeISEO channel.
� If you need a designer, consider Matt Hoffman. He's actually the guy who designed
the Video Creators logo for me. and, in terms of full disclosure, he's also a
personal friend of mine. If you'd like help with designing a header image and any
other branding assets for your channel, check him out at