The Office-S03E18

The Office-S03E18

作者: carrie_yu | 来源:发表于2020-05-29 09:21 被阅读0次


Agoraphobia: 广场恐惧症是成人常见的一种焦虑障碍,患者常表现出对在公共场所或开阔地带停留时的恐慌症状。

suck it up: accept a hardship.

consternation: 惊讶

disgruntled: angry or dissatisfied. "judges receive letters from disgruntled members of the public"

nunchucks: 双截棍

throwing stars: a weapon in the form of a star with projecting blades or points, used as a missile in some martial arts. "three stun guns, a throwing star, and two flick knives were recovered"

commissioner: 专员

cape: 披肩

stomp: deliberately trample or tread heavily on. "Cobb proceeded to kick and stomp him viciously" stamp (one's feet).

perpetrator: 犯罪者

throw back 阻止,返祖

perp: the perpetrator of a crime. "he steps into a pothole chasing a perp down a dark street"

throw someone off: to interrupt and confuse someone; to mislead someone. The interruption threw me off, and I lost my place in the speech.

power suit:  A suit stereotypically associated with the 1980s, characterized by sharp cuts, wide shoulder pads, and a stiff rigidity. (science fiction) A powered exoskeleton.

rifle through:  to search through something quickly and carelessly often in order to take or steal something He rifled through the papers on his desk.

lining 衬里

tip someone off: give someone information about something, typically in a discreet or confidential way. "they were arrested after police were tipped off by local residents"

cock his fist: Having your "fist cocked" implies exactly what you suggest: being ready to throw a punch.

stub: the part of a check, receipt, ticket, or other document torn off and kept as a record. 存根

perks: 津贴(注意要复数)

dope: a stupid person.

who wear the pants in the relationship: wear the pants. US informal (UK wear the trousers) (especially of a woman) to be the person in a relationship who is in control and who makes decisions for both people: Brian may seem domineering, but it's Lisa that really wears the pants in that relationship. Controlling and being in charge.

Bring it home: often refers figuratively to taking a general idea and applying it practically, or taking a general concept and making it more concrete, employing it to analyze a more specific situation.

deposition ???

word gets around: News about something or someone inevitably reaches other people. The "news" is often a rumor of some sort. ... A: "How did you find out I won the contest?" B: "Word gets around!"

wad paper up: Wad is defined as to roll up or form into a lump. An example of wad is to form a sheet of paper into a ball.

This is really going nowhere: If you say that you are getting nowhere, or getting nowhere fast, or that something is getting you nowhere, you mean that you are not achieving anything or having any success. My mind won't stop going round and round on the same subject and I seem to be getting nowhere.

try tactic number eight on me ???

cross-dressed: wear clothing typical of the opposite sex. "a lot of men cross-dress"

Here's the rub: that is the crucial difficulty or problem


  • The Office-S03E18

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      本文标题:The Office-S03E18
